Maybe you’re an English major or a Creative Writing major. Maybe you’re even a Math major with a secret love of writing. Whatever the circumstance, you understand.
You understand the looks of disbelief, of pity. The furrowed brow and wide-eyed expression are normal replies when you state that you want to write novels and poetry. People scoff at the fact that you want to spend your life putting words down on paper.
I understand.
You can almost hear what’s going through everyone's head, “There’s no money in that. That’s not realistic, that’s a fantasy. It’s silly, stupid. Starving Artist.” Yada, yada, the demeaning judgments go on.
I urge you not to let those voices discourage you. My father always told me to have a career, not a job. He told me to build a career upon something that I love and enjoy so that I never have to work a day in my life. He’s right. Why spend your one life doing something you really don’t care about? Why slave away for a business that you hate or don’t believe in?
No, I wont make as much money as the Business majors or the Accountant majors- but at least I’ll be happy. I choose to lead a life of happiness. And, honestly, some students really do enjoy working in the business industry- and that’s totally fine and great. But don’t demean what enjoy just because it sounds too artsy and too flighty. I don’t spend time criticizing Business majors and talking down to them, so don’t do it to us.
As a writer, I would write about anything, if it meant allowing me to put ink on a page or letters on a screen. Words mean so much more when they actually impact someone's life. I want to be able to do that, in the same way so many poets and authors have brought tears and smiles to my face.
Sometimes when you finish a novel, you set it down and just have to sit in silence and absorb the journey you just went on. It got under your skin, to your heart. I want to be able to do that because I know that’s the best experience.
I want to fuel my creativity, not abolish it. I’ve found so much solace in writing poetry. It’s helped me through some of my toughest times. I’ve read things that have described exactly how I feel, and I hope to be able to do the same for someone else one day. If you’ve got a gift, why waste it? So many can write professionally, but so few have the ability to write beautifully. Share your voice, it matters.