So if you are one to worry about everything like me this one is for you.
One thing pinpointed about myself is how I get stressed or worry about the smallest things. I also have the absolute hardest time making decisions. When trying to make a decision I end up stressing out because I don't want to make the wrong one. Even the smallest decision of my parents telling me to choose what to eat for dinner. Well if you can compare with doing these things, there is a simple yet difficult solution. Just turn to God. It sounds simple, right? But sometimes it is hard to let all that stress go and give it to God, to just pray about it. Whether it comes to stress from school, family stuff, relationships or your personal problems that stress will go away when you pray.
I personally pray every morning and night and go to Church every Sunday. If I am having a bad week or am stressed about something (which I usually am) I say extra prayers or go to Church an extra day. These things really help. Sometimes you get so stressed out you breakdown, but going to Church or praying is the most positive way of dealing with it. I have learned that if I have too much on my plate or am really worried about a certain something I give it to God because I know that whatever happens, happens for a reason. So you might as well not worry yourself so much, you're wasting time because God already has your life plan laid out, so why stress?....we're in good hands. God knows what is best for us and if we pray to him, we will be taken care of.
So if you are worried about something that has been on your mind lately or if you're so stressed you can't think, sit down and talk to God. Find you quiet, peaceful place, whether it is your room, outside, or in Church. It's like venting with your best friend...and I know we have all down that before. It's just venting to God and the stress will be lifted from your shoulders. These past couple of days I was kinda stressed and I decided to go to Church and during Mass, my mind was clear and stress-free. After Mass, I felt so much better and the rest of my day was peaceful
So next time if you're worried or stressed just turn to God. Talk to him, tell him your problems and everything will eventually be okay.