Being single, although it may feel like it, is not the end of the world. You should take this time for you and to work on yourself and ensure that you are happy and strong on your own. Here are five ways that I've been working on myself and staying strong through this holiday season.
Self Care
Even in the best and healthiest of relationships, we give ourselves to the person we're with, so take the opportunity while single to take care of yourself and get to the things you probably ignored because you were so invested in your relationship.
I've taken a lot more time to eat better and work out better which has done wonders for my mental and physical well being. I've taken time to start reading all the books I've had piling up and visiting all the touristy places near me in Westchester and in the city! Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do and it's all too easy to let ourselves get caught up in the craziness of life and neglect ourselves. Take time for you, you hecking deserve it!!!!
Focus on your Friendships
Since my relationship ended, I've taken a lot more time to focus on the friendships I already had and forming new ones! It is seriously amazing what a difference surrounding yourself with the right people can do for your mental health! I have the strongest friendships I've ever had in my life and I am so incredibly thankful and happy to have met such wonderful and supportive people!
Embrace your Feelings
It doesn't matter if the relationship ended a day ago or a year ago, everyone has feelings and sometimes they hit you - hard. Instead of ignoring or pushing these feelings down, embrace them. It's okay to be down about a relationship ending, even if it wasn't a good one. You had a bond with that person like no other and it sucks to lose that.
Just always remember that no matter the situation, you are strong and you will be okay!
Take Time for You
Recently I've really been loving taking walks or drives (but usually long walks because I don't want to waste gas and pollute unnecessarily) by myself and just reflecting on how I'm feeling and why I'm feeling that way. Doing this has helped me tremendously and made me feel more at peace with myself.
Self care doesn't need to be an expensive massage or spa day, it can be as simple as taking 5 minutes in a separate room away from everyone to just breathe and be alone. Do what is best for you!
Don't Feel Bad about Taking Care of Yourself
I am the absolute worst at giving everyone else my everything and failing to take care of myself or worry about myself. Do not feel bad about cancelling plans or saying no. At the end of the day, you are responsible for you and you should do whatever is best for you, even if it's not so great for others. I'm not saying be a terrible person and don't worry about anyone else ever, but I'm saying that ultimately you need to come first!
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