I've been called "spoiled" my entire life. Last year someone even went as far as to say that I'm "privileged". Let's just set the record straight here. To be spoiled is to "harm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent." While being privileged is "having special rights, advantages, or immunities." I wasn't handed everything on a silver platter. But I was given whatever my parents could give. My parents have always placed my sister and I before them. And that just goes to show how unselfish the love a parent has for a child is.
I come from a lower-middle-class family. I am a 21-year-old white female living in southern Louisiana. And yes, my parents gave me everything. And by everything, I mean everything they were able to give. But trust me when I say that I've been told no. And when my parents say no, they MEAN it. I don't get to stomp my feet and argue with them over their decision. I don't get to whine and buck them for being stern with me. I put on my big girl panties and GET OVER IT.
My parents weren't particularly strict, but they taught me the difference between right and wrong. Like I stated before, my parents gave me everything they could. But by no means was I spoiled or privileged. When I wanted a new trigger trombone, I got it. 6 months later. When my parents worked enough overtime to buy it. When I needed a new car in high school to get to and from school and band practice, my dad bought my mom a new car (four months later) and her old truck was handed down to me. When I wanted to go to Disney World during my senior year for a band trip, I got to go. After my dad worked buku overtime to pay for it. I wanted a new phone? I got it, when they could afford it. And the list goes on and on. Because of them, I learned the difference between wants and needs. The car I have now? My very very nice and expensive car? I bought that, by myself. My cellphone? I bought that. All my medical and dental bills? I pay those.My credit card bills? I pay those. My car note and insurance? I pay that too. I pay for everything except rent and medical insurance by myself. As a full-time college student and a young 21 year old female. So if you must call me spoiled, just know that I watched my parents struggle my entire life to give me the world and I'm a better person for that. They instilled in me a work ethic like no other. That's why I've maintained steady employment. I've been at my first and only job for almost 4 years, so I'd say I'm doing pretty well so far in life.
I'm an independent, smart, and strong young woman. My parents work very hard for their money. They are honest, hard-working members of society. And one day, I hope to be just like them. Just because I never went without doesn't mean I'm spoiled. I'm not spoiled. I'm blessed to have parents who30-probably work so hard to give me everything I need. And though I'm grown now, their job as parents never stop. But instead of financial support, they give emotional support now. Which is just as wonderful and helpful as financial support.
I'm so appreciative of my parents. I'm blessed to have parents that love me. And when I can, I'll give them the world too. So thanks Mom and Dad, you guys are the real MVP's.