Hi beautiful soul,
I know sometimes it feels so overwhelming, life. I know sometimes you feel defeated and tired and want to give it all up. I know that life is so far beyond easy and you work so hard. I see you and I am with you. I know you are feeling annoying, like people don't want you in your life. I promise that is just your head talking and for once, please, please, listen to me. I am telling you that there is no such thing as too much. There could not be too much of your wonderful and exhilarating personality that often times lights up everyone else's day, but I know that you can't see that right now. The world needs more people who live on the edge, laugh at their own jokes, and kick ass at whatever it is you kick ass at, singing? Sewing? Working up a sweat? Who cares what anyone else thinks anyway? You have one life. One. Make it count. Learn to make yourself happy when you have nothing and nobody else. I promise it will make things so much easier in the long run. If you are still feeling like you are annoying at this point, just remember that everyone feels like they are bothersome at some point, its not just you. It is never just you. The world is going to keep moving around you whether you like it or not, so you better learn to love it. I know that loving yourself can be the hardest thing to do, it's the ever-changing and constantly moving battle that grips at you from all angles, but your bubbly personality is what makes others love you the most. I love you so much more than you could no, so keep being the bright light that everyone needs you to be.