You're on a first date and it's going really, REALLY well. He asks you to come back to his place for some coffee and a movie- QUICK- what do you do?? He asked you back to his place. You, ma'am, know what that means. A bunch of thoughts flash through your mind- you can't sleep with someone on the first date, if you do you're a slut, a whore, you're easy, only pathetic girls give it up after one day- and you apologetically say no even though deep down you wanted to say yes... then why'd you say no?
Society makes you believe that it is wrong and irresponsible for a female to have sex with a guy after a first date. But why? What makes it so wrong for a person to hook up with someone after one day? It makes you a slut, or a whore, or a thot- whatever that actually means- if you succumb to desire in regards to sex. You are seen as damaged, less pure and trashy. But if you compare this to a girl who say… buys the newest makeup pallet the day it comes out because she just HAD to have it? You wouldn't judge her in the same manner, you'd actually probably compliment her on how she looks wearing it or say that you're jealous because you want it really badly. She gave in to her desire, just like the girl who hooked up on the first date, but I don't see you degrading her for her actions or choices. Is sex so taboo and frowned upon with someone that you don't know very well that society has to make a girl feel disgusted with herself for just wanting to live her life and have some fun?
Then we get to the topic of guys "scoring" on the first date. He goes back and tells all of his buddies and he is applauded for landing a girl. Double-standards. Society is okay with a guy sleeping with a girl on the first date, but the girl he sleeps with gets condemned for her actions. Double-standards.
I'm here to let you know that it is okay to sleep with someone that you just met if you believe he is a decent guy. You're allowed to hook up with the attractive guy at the party if you hit it off. As long as you are safe about it, you are able and allowed to do whatever you want with your body. IT'S YOUR BODY. No one should be able to make you feel bad for how you carry yourself and your actions are no ones business but your own. Just because you go home with a guy after the first date, doesn't mean you're a whore. Just because you sleep with a guy who you probably won't end up in a relationship with, doesn't mean you're a slut. And girl, just because you hook up with someone at a party does not mean you are damaged. On top of that, if you don't hook up with someone simply because you don't want to, you are not a prude. No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do. So if the guy at the party tries to take you to his room and you aren't feeling it or aren't comfortable, THAT'S OKAY, TOO. You are allowed to say no. I applaud anyone who doesn't let the demeaning views of society keep them from doing things that they want to do and I applaud anyone who doesn't let the pressure of society force them into doing something they don't want to do, honestly in any aspect of life. You guys are the examples society needs to take hold of. Enough of girls shaming other girls for doing what they please with their bodies- we should be supporting each other- not tearing each other down.
You are not any less of a person, or woman, for sleeping with someone after one day. You are not less of a person for wanting something meaningless for one night. You are no less of a person for telling someone no when you're not up for it. It's your life, your body, your decision. Do what you want.
Now lets take a look at this again… *rewind * He asks you to come back to his place for some coffee and a movie- QUICK- what do you do?? … Of course, I would love to!
Society doesn't have control over you if you if you don't let them, always remember that.