Hi my name is Libby Brodie and I am a feminist and I believe in equal rights for all. Not close to equal, not more than equal but exactly equal. I believe that I should not be paying extra just because I want something that is pink. I believe that taxing my tampons (that I need every month) is unfair considering how expensive they already are. I believe that I should be paid the same as man for doing the exact same job. I believe that my body is mine and I am the only one who is allowed to make choices about it. I believe that I should not be afraid about a man taking advantage of me when I go out on Saturday night (or any night of the week). I believe that just because I wear a tight and short dress does not mean I am asking for it. I believe that we need to live a world where no matter the country, race, age or gender of a person affects how they are treated.
Now I understand where you may be coming from when you say that we are closer to equal more than ever. Like yes I am glad I get to vote. I am glad that I can work outside the home. I am glad that I can be involved in politics. But that is not enough. In the US we still struggle with maternity leave, whether it’s paid or unpaid, it’s practically non-existent. We live in a country where old, white men vote on whether or not a place that helps women get affordable healthcare gets to stay funded or not. Is this okay with you? Are you actually okay with the fact that men decide how much your birth control costs? Are you okay with men deciding how long you get to stay with your newborn before you risk being fired? Are you okay with men still objectifying you? This is why feminism exists.
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So to the girls who are against it I am so glad you have never experienced anything that has made you feel lesser. I am so glad you get to live in a bubble that protects you. And I hope that you never have to. I hope that we reach equal rights before then. But if you do I hope that you realize how many people have fought before you. The fight for equal rights did not recently start. This fight has been happening since the era of the civil war. That is an over 100 year old fight. It probably won’t end soon either. I wish I could see why you think that feminism is not needed but I truly can not. I am not asking you to believe in something you don’t but I am asking you to try because this fight cannot be won without all of us females banding together. It is so important that we unite on these issues. As females we know we can raise hell so think about what we could do if we’re all on the same side for equal rights. I am not asking you join protests but I am asking you to not get down on other females for doing so. The fight for women’s rights is not a party issue but a country issue. We should not be divided on this issue but united.
The feminist movement is not supposed to be radical. It is not about us putting down men. It is about females coming together to get what they deserve as humans. Cause let’s be honest if it was men fighting for control of their bodies, world war three would be starting. We can cause hell too ladies. So let’s do it. Let’s fight the men who think it’s okay to tax our tampons and pay us less know how we really feel. If the word feminism scares you then don’t use but don’t be afraid to call yourself one if you believe in equality for all.