As I was going through my news feed on Facebook, it was a picture that really caught my eye:
This one picture surprisingly brought up a lot of emotions for me because I remember I used to have so much time to read for fun and read for class and be able to tell you what books are about. I read many types of books such as romance, drama, action, science fiction, fantasy, and adventures. I read the Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson in 2-3 days and the Leviathan Series in 4-5 days in high school. If I tried to do that now in college, it would probably take three months plus whatever break that falls right after.
As an English major, I do have to read books/textbooks for class, but never really a book that I want to read. Currently, I am carrying Soul Mates by Thomas Moore and I had this book since...October I want to say and I just started this book last week. You will never believe what page I'm on: 9 out of 267! The last book I read was Demian, it was 110 pages and it took me a month and a half to finish it. I do wish that I had time to read on my own so that I can be engrossed into the story land. It's a beautiful feeling that I miss having because I always have assignments every day, eventually tests/quizzes/exams to be prepared for and/or projects that I have to finish. Even during my winter break, I didn't get enough time to read because I was either sleeping or catching up with family members.
Time management may help me, but how does one schedule time to read for fun when they have work to do or are very exhausted? With Spring Break coming up, I already know I'll be bringing home some type of work, but I just hope that I have time to diminish the massive "to read" pile.
This article is mostly to everyone that actually likes to read, but especially my bookworms. Some of us don't know how to schedule in that time or if you like to write your own stories/poetries, how to schedule time for that? Anything that's not for a grade. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this short, but very interesting article about the small struggle of being a bookworm in college and its hardship of trying to find time to read without falling behind on your studies and assignments.