I'm a freshman who could definitely pass for a junior or even senior, and I'm around 5'11", which isn't that tall but among the people I hang out with, it's pretty big.
Being this big comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, but the main one is looking intimidating just because I tower over more than half the girls around me. I'm still trying to figure out if that's a disadvantage or not. I'm told I make an impact when I walk into the room, but I have NO CLUE what that means. I'm basically just an overgrown baby.
Being loud comes with this size, so when I'm trying to make a point, it comes across as me arguing or losing my temper, when actually I'm just trying to tell someone peanut butter tastes great in ice cream.
You can't buy clothes from the racks specified for your age (18) because the tops are either too short or the pants only come up to your mid-shin. Always having to buy from the adult section makes me feel odd because I've never experienced buying clothes from the RIGHT racks. Talking about sizes reminds me of another uncontrollable thing about being big, having a foot size of 11 doesn't help much either. Even if I do find shoes, it's a miracle, and I'm judged if I wear heels because why do I need to look taller than I already am?
Do I have to play basketball too? Can I not be into sitting around and not doing anything with the long long legs I've been blessed with? But I do, in fact, play basketball and I love every second of it.
The point is, to all the tall girls out there, you're not giants, you don't HAVE to play basketball (it's fun though), and you deserve to get clothes from the right racks just for that satisfaction, but it's alright, at least we don't need help looking at the stage at concerts. No shade on short girls, I promise!