Yes. I get it. You're mad - really mad. Potentially so mad at the scandal plaguing the DNC and at Hillary's flip-flopping that you could never compromise your morals and vote for someone like her. Hillary doesn't have Bernie's impeccable record of decades of social activism or a laundry list of progressive bills that she's voted for. She's not as hardline on important issues like education and healthcare, but the one thing she's good at is not being Donald Trump.
Here are four reasons why Hillary still represents the best remaining option:
1. Trump is not the Answer
Are you really willing to hand over the future of this country to an egotistical, mediocre buissnessman who has no experience in any office? Can you truly justify turning the country over to someone who switches positions on policies more than any other candidate in history? Are you willing to sit through 4 State of the Union Addresses listening to President Trump boast about his (probably not that big) genital size?
Donald Trump is the most unqualified person to be the President. A man who uses sexism, ableism, nationalism, and xenophobia as media sensationalism to fuel his rise does not deserve your vote. After supporting Bernie, a candidate who's built his career on making America fair for everyone, protecting the environment, and ensuring economic equality, voting for Trump will go against everything you've supported thus far.
Although Clinton may not have been as hardline as Bernie on issues like racial justice and gay rights, she's condemned her past and has adopted a much more progressive agenda. Furthermore, she's much more accountable and likely to institute this agenda now that she's made campaign promises.
Besides that she probably won't doesn't get into really pointless twitter wars with journalists.
2. Abstaining from Voting is the Same Thing as Voting for Trump
Let me make this clear. Voting for Hillary does NOT mean endorsing the Democratic National Committee. It does NOT mean compromising your morals. It does NOT mean the end of the political revolution. What it does signify is that of the two mainstream candidates running you think Hillary Clinton would be a better choice than Donald Trump.
Abstaining from voting is being directly responsible for allowing the rise of Trump. It's being passive in allowing the biggest excuse for a candidate take rise.
This election cycle is more about you or me it is about our country. Refusing to participate is like sitting down in the middle of the football game, whining at the rules, and refusing to play because the game isn't going how you expected.
Don't have your child look at his or her 6th grade history book in 2035 and ask you how the hell Donald Trump ever got elected.
3. Voting for Gary Johnson is Probably Worse
Yes Gary Johnson may agree with Bernie on things like marijuana legalization and abortion rights, but overall Gary Johnson's policies might be farther away from Bernie's than Trump. Bernie has built his career and his popularity on discussing income inequality, free education, more affordable healthcare, and making social safety nets. The libertarian candidate wants those things gone.
Bernie has built his campaign on raising taxes for the rich to finance governmental programs, but Johnson is against that.
Bernie and Hillary have spent most of their political careers trying to close the wage gap between women and men, but Gary Johnson believes it's a business's right to pay its workers what it wants to its workers.
Bernie has advocated for making a single payer health care system making sure that even the poorest of Americans would be covered for, but Gary Johnson wants privatized healthcare.
Voting for Johnson would probably be taking a 360 on the ideological spectrum and taking the reversal rowboat to the other side.
4. Jill Stein is a Good Candidate but has no Chance of Winning
Your vote is better used for picking a candidate that has a chance of winning this election than to stand as a symbol. The Green Party will not win this election.
Yes she's more pro Bernie's ideas than Bernie himself, the reality is any third party has no chance of winning this election.
In the history of the United States's politics is that third party candidates have too often detracted from crucial votes that were necessary for mainstream candidates to win the election. In the 2000 election many progressive Floridians thought Ralph Nader had better policies than Al Gore and those voters who could have otherwise ended up putting Al Gore in office ended up causing him to lose the election. Hell even when Teddy Roosevelt ran as an Independent after two of the most successful presidential terms ended up losing and detracting votes from Taft.
The Green Party will not win this election. It's not because of folks dismissing them, it's because they're way too far left to ever persuade most people to vote for them. Beyond that, Jill Stein is not even on the majority of ballots for this election. I think a lot of Stein's policies are better than Hillary's, however, a lot of Floridians thought that Nader's policies were better than Gore's in 2000. We learned what their lack of pragmatism led to the hard way.
The political revolution isn't over.
It started nearly over a year ago when Bernie announced his candidacy in the election cycle. It ended up getting corrupt politicians like Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign and changed the Democratic platform to create what is possibly the most progressive platform in history!
Revel in the fact that your undying support for Bernie has been instrumental in changing Hillary's platform, understand that your campaigning has helped raise awareness to key issues that have been ignored for many decades, and continue the struggle by keeping Trump out of office. Bernie Then, Hillary Now, Trump Never!