These days, if you scroll through Tumblr or Odyssey, you're going to find a bunch of articles and posts about being a basic girl, usually a white one. It's going to be about a myriad of things, whether it's making fun of the term, or saying how the term is offensive.
To start off, someone who's "basic", is someone who likes Starbucks, Uggs, saying the phrase "I can't even" one too many times... If you look at the Urban Dictionary Definition , it's simply a list of popular things that these types of people just happen to like.
I'm not entirely sure how these became associated with being a white girl (since people of all races and genders can like popular things). Maybe it's because females who happen to be caucasian post about it on social media the most.
But back to the point, maybe it's just me, but it seems like everywhere I turn, there is someone who is offended by the term, and treats it as an issue of utmost importance.
Now, here's the thing: I feel that this issue is the definition of white feminism, equality between genders that does not include intersectionality.
First, I do think that the term is somewhat stupid, and it's a reminder that society loves to shame women for enjoying anything, even if it's popular. I'm saying that as a white girl, there's a reason I freaking love Starbucks: because it's delicious. I drink regular coffee, and when fall comes around, I will gladly pay five bucks in order to have a pumpkin spice latte. There's a reason why things are popular: because they're pretty great sometimes.
However, the thing that I hate about the term, is the way white females have referred to it as "reverse racism." If you scroll throughOdyssey, there seems to be numerous articles about how white females feel attacked by the term.
I remember once on Tumblr, there was an angry post about how a girl was mad that a barista at Starbucks was mean to her, because apparently she wanted a black coffee, but he was grumpy and was asking if she wanted a frappuccino. Apparently there are "haters" of the basic white girl, and they feel oppressed by it.
So, to all the basic white girls out there: you are not oppressed. You do not have a history of racism or slavery in this country. You have not been bullied or beat up because of your interests. You are not a part of a race that is under attack constantly.
Furthermore, if you look up the common stereotypes associated with being a basic female, it's about being unoriginal for liking popular things. However, look at the stereotypes of being African-American : you'll find the word association of "hoodlums", "lazy", "uneducated", or "incarcerated". Look at the stereotypes of being Latino: "maids", "drug addicts", "illegal immigrants", or "gang bangers"... Look at the stereotypes of being Asian: "can't speak English", "socially awkward", or "weak"... As a white female, I would rather be associated with the word "unoriginal" than be associated with the stereotypes that come with being a minority in this country.
Look, I get it: the term "basic white girl" can be hurtful, in the fact that it may make someone feel limited. But in the end, this not an oppressive term, and there are greater feminist and equality issues that can be focused on.