I'm one of those people that remembers every single teacher I've ever had, all the way from preschool up to my current professors in my undergraduate years of college. I remember all of you for different reasons; most of them are good, great, or even better.
This goes out to all my favorites.
To my third grade teacher: You were the first male teacher I ever had. You were tall and had a mustache and were kind of scary. But, you turned out to be one of the best. You cared so much for all of us and worked to make sure we stayed in line and on the right track. Thank you.
To my fifth grade teacher: You were a little on the crazy side. You weren't afraid to make a fool of yourself for the sake of our learning, even if it meant dressing up as "Flubby the Fly." You made us do things like "The Decimal Dance," and others that I still remember to this day. Thank you.
To my seventh grade English teacher: I cried at the end of the year when you left to become a college professor. You inspired me to keep writing and to be better. At the end of the year, you left me a personalized letter saying, "I know that one day I'll be walking through a bookstore and see your name on the bestseller list." I still have your letter, and I still have that dream. Thank you.
To my ninth and tenth grade English teacher: You were The Man. Everything about your teaching style has made me into the writer I am today. In your class, we wrote an essay every single day, and while I certainly hated it back then, I am so grateful to you for everything you've done for me, including writing "This is crap." on one of my papers in your nearly illegible scrawly cursive. When I told you that I wanted to be a teacher, you said to me: "Why the hell would you do that?" and I shut you down with the best explanation possible: I wanted to be just like you. You were exactly the driving force that I needed during those two years in high school, and to this day I think to myself from time to time if you would approve. I remember you telling me that I "had chutzpah" and it still makes me laugh when I need it most. You are and always will be my role model and my most favorite teacher, even though you disapprove of my choice of profession. Thank you.
To my undergraduate academic advisor: I knew you were going to be tough on me. I've had you for class five times so far in my academic career, and I always feel pressure to perform in them to impress you. You always have my best interests in mind when we meet to discuss my future, and you are one of the best listeners I've ever encountered. You even listen to my crazy ideas about my future and jumping from interest to interest! Thank you.
To all the rest that weren't mentioned: Every single one of you has made an impact on me and my life. You all contribute to the reasons why I am pursuing a degree in teaching. I want to give my students the same opportunities that you gave me, and now I have the best motivation to do so. Thank you.