Coming into college, I was terrified to leave my best friends back home. I was going to a school where I knew nobody, in an entirely different state and an entirely different type of town. On top of that, going to college is scary enough, starting new classes, the horror stories about THAT professor, and the scary amount of homework just waiting to pile up.
I've not always been stellar at making friends either. I always thought my self a little awkward, shy, and a bit afraid to put myself out there. While coming into college I resolved to put all that behind me, but I still knew college was large, classes were always changing, and there wasn't as much stability in high school to make making friends easier.
But nevertheless, you guys have been there for me from the beginning.
From our first suite dinner that only the three of us came to running around under Christmas lights to endless memes and TikToks only we understand, I have treasured every moment. You guys are in all the stories I tell my friends back home, and I love that we've made so many memories within the first semester of college already.
I love having best friends that I know I can come to with any problem, no matter how small or ridiculous. You guys give me your honest opinion about things, help get me out of some sticky situations (and write some awkward texts) and I can't thank you enough.
I honestly love hearing about your feelings as well, whether it's a major life event or just how annoyed you are at that random kid cut you in line. Seriously, never worry about venting to me because I love to help you through your problems and it makes me feel special that I can be there for you.
Even through roommate situations or boy troubles, we have all stayed on the same side and I know you will have my back through anything. And I will, of course, have yours, there is no need to even ask.
When I get home from class, before taking my backpack off, I go look to see if you are home. The crazy nicknames we call each other will never get old (ok well they might be but mine keeps changing so so far it hasn't). If you see us together on the streets, you may not even understand what we are talking about because we have our own words and references for a lot of things, and I absolutely love that. Being with you guys finally makes me feel like I'm part of a group, after years of feeling like I was always slightly ostracized from whatever friend group I was in. There's never that feeling with you, and that makes me unbelievably happy.
Anyway, I just wanted to write this note to say thank you and that I appreciate you both more than you know. And to anyone else reading this out there, try to be the best friend you can possibly be. You never know what someone has gone through or is going through, and I swear, it'll make you happier to have someone there for you. Never underestimate the power of a good friend or the power of being a good friend.
*Made as a response to my best friends both saying "Me!" when I asked them what I should write about for my next Odyssey article. They totally deserve it.*