I went on Instagram a few months ago and watched a live stream video by a woman named Sopha Rush.
She's someone I've been following on social media for a long time now; her grace, passion, vulnerability and open soul are just a few qualities she holds that I have admired ever since I started following her. I highly recommend you check her socials out for advice and motivation. (For anyone interested you can check out her Twitter and Instagram.) Anyways, she was discussing a few parts from a book that she has been reading recently, and I connected immediately with the words and passages.
One topic in specific really struck me; she talked about "planting seeds." Not literal seeds in the ground, but seeds that are planted in one's soul. She mentioned the importance of who actually plants them, and what you do as an individual once they have been planted.
It is extremely important to evaluate the relationships in your life and create them very carefully. It's beneficial to notice whose intentions are pure and those who aren't. Eliminating all toxicity from your life, even if it hurts, is crucial for your personal growth. With that being said, each person we meet throughout life and the connections we make all plant individual seeds in us.
Some are positive and some are negative. Whatever the type, we can learn something from each seed; they can teach us important lessons that we couldn't have learned without that seed, or they can be happy seeds where they keep growing and growing, bringing us happiness every single day.
Even though our souls are aware of which seeds are good and which seeds are bad, the soul still continues to nurture them because our intuition knows that there are lessons to be learned, good and bad. So be mindful of the potential bad seeds that are about to be planted, or the ones that have already been planted. Bad seeds that have been planted tend to stick with us, which can be damaging to the mind and soul.
Although these bad seeds are inevitable, we might as well use them to our full advantage.
Instead of allowing it to consume our thoughts, we can use them as a learning lesson to become better, stronger and smarter.
Every bad seed that has been planted within me I've conquered and overcome, simply because I had no other choice. I couldn't let it eat away at me; I couldn't give it that much power over me.
So I've turned it into an opportunity to learn and as soon as I did that I saw an immediate change. I was smarter, I obtained my control and power back, I gained more confidence. By nourishing bad seed with a little TLC, they can turn into good seeds.
Your soul is your entire being and holds a lot of the feelings you've felt and memories you've stored throughout your life, so it's important to show it some extra love. Take care of your soul, drink some water, give thanks, be unapologetic and grow some happy seeds.