The holiday season is a time for togetherness and joy. The excitement surrounding this time of year is easy to get distracted by, so much so that we forget our other responsibilities sometimes. It can also be overwhelming, to say the very least. During all of the craziness, there are a few things we have to keep reminding ourselves of…
Taking time for yourself is necessary. Being bombarded with chores that have to get done, or food that has to be cooked, or presents that have to be bought – on top of everyday work – takes a toll on your physical and mental health. Remember to relax and give yourself time to breathe; you will thank yourself later.
It isn’t about the material items. The presents will be forgotten, the food will be eaten, and the house will get messy again, but the happiness that you feel when you are surrounded by love is priceless. Stop every once in a while to take a look around and remind yourself of this; it is easy to forget amid all of the preparations.
Not everyone celebrates the way that you do. And that’s okay. There, of course, is no one way to celebrate a holiday and we should respect that. Different traditions mean different things to different people, and that’s how new traditions begin!
Giving doesn’t always have to be countered with receiving. Sometimes giving just to give is the best part of all. There is no better feeling than watching someone smile at something you gave them and knowing that you made them happy, even if it’s just in that moment. Random acts of kindness — that should be done throughout the entire year, not just during this season — go a long way for some.
Money is definitely a factor. Whether it be your own pocket or that of someone else, money has to be watched, especially during this time of year. We have to be mindful that not everyone can afford tons of presents, but that doesn’t mean that those people don’t care. Just try to be understanding.
Making memories is most important. Like I said before, the material items will eventually disappear, but the memories will last a lifetime. For some, the holidays are hard because of loved ones that are gone, and if you are one of the ones struggling, remember all of the good surrounding you now. There is always room for new memories.
These may all be simple pointers, even common sense to some, but there is always a need for a reminder every once in a while. Enjoy this holiday season and try not to get “wrapped up” — haha, get it? — in all of the craziness!