As college students, our finals are approaching and to be frank, our lives are a mess. We've got six papers, four presentations, and five exams to study for and manage to perfect our grades and boost that D to a B in the span of three weeks. Not to mention trying to fit as many meals and showers in as possible with that load of work to do. On the bright side, it is close to the holidays so we have that to look forward to. But, the stress doesn't stop there, it really only shifts into holiday stress mode. You've got to think about what kind of gifts to get everyone, then you have to think about how you're going to afford all of those gifts, because let’s be honest at this point we're all broke. Then, we have beloved family Christmas parties where you have to repeat again that very thing you said at the Thanksgiving family party "yes, I am still single."
Oh how we love the holidays.
But, we start to see some light Christmas morning when everything is peaceful and everyone has that little spark of magical joy, you almost feel like a kid again with no worries in the world.
Soon the stress of the semester will be over and everything will be calm again. We will be able to put the all-nighters and endless to-do lists behind us and push on to the new year. When we sit back and think about how everything turned out just fine and realize that it was all worth it. The stress and the mess was only a blink of our lives that we got through and will continue to get through over and over again.