Finally, Christmas is here. The one day out of the year where all seems to stand still. The world and its operations are placed on hold and we celebrate something bigger than us. Some gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Some celebrate for family time, some just want gifts. What I love about Christmas is that it’s a day for everyone. Its an opportunity to spend time with distant relatives, eat all your favorite family dishes, receive gifts and love, and if you get stuck at work, welp, you get overtime or sometimes double time.
When celebrating Christmas remember that this world is full of distractions that will pull your heart and joy out of what Christmas is supposed to be.
My best advice to anyone who struggles to enjoy Christmas due to any reason is simple.
Just focus on all the good happening around you. Presents are good sure, but they don’t determine whether you have a good Christmas or not. If the food is terrible, Christmas isn’t ruined. If someone in your family gets drunk and causes a scene, are you going to let that steal your joy? I hope not. Just focus on family, friends, fellowships, the quality time, and of course the food. Make Christmas about giving love to others regardless of how you feel because if your heart is right then you know it is always better to give than to receive.
James 1:2
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy."
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.