Since it is on its way, there are a couple of things to remember this holiday season.
1. Always be thankful.
Not everyone has what you do. Some may not have a roof over their heads at night or food on the table.
Presents could also be under this category. If you get something you do not enjoy, say thank you. You were in their thoughts enough to get you a stinking present. You could have went with nothing, honestly. Not everyone is going to give you a big shiny watch or car. Not everyone gets the same amount in their paycheck. Just shut up and be thankful, dammit.
2. Not everyone is home for the holidays.
Some are off in a foreign land giving you the freedom to celebrate during the holidays. There are not (hopefully) bombs going off over your head or random people coming into your homes at night.
Some of us will never have some family members here for the holidays anymore. Instead of saying anything about parents, or children, or cousins just say "to your family".
3. Do not be rude.
When someone wishes you a "Merry Christmas"/"Kwanza"/"Hanukkah" whatever it may be, just say it back. They were kind enough to say it to you in the first place.
4. Do not bloat.
Like I said before, not everyone has the same amount in their paycheck. Some people may get hundreds of gifts while others may just get one that broke their parents/guardians/significant other. Just behave and say that you did get what you wanted for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza, whatever you may celebrate.
5. And as always.
Have a Happy Holidays. Be safe. If you drink, always have someone to drive you home that is sober. Never get into a car with someone that is intoxicated. But always, have fun.