Christmas time in 1996, three life-long friends and their families gather to celebrate the holiday season. Little did they know on that night all huddled in their friend's townhouse that they would be starting a tradition that has now lasted two decades and will be continued for many more.
To me, Friendsmas is more than just another tradition. It is the only tradition that has stayed the same. As I've gotten older it seems every tradition my family has had either stopped or has been changed in some way, but not Friendsmas.
Between the countless pictures we're forced to take before anyone can dig into the meal prepared by my aunt and uncle, sitting down and enjoying dinner with everyone, and the presents, which let's face it, is everyone's favorite part, I'm glad this tradition has been part of my entire life.
It gives our families a chance to catch up with each other on what is going on in everyone's life, a chance to reminisce on old memories from when our parents were growing up to when the kids were growing up, and even a chance to make more memories; a chance that is never taken for granted.
However, as the kids have gotten older there has been some change to the tradition. With invitations extended to the significant others of the kids, we've found that the more is, in fact, merrier. Another change has been the start of themes to each year. From ugly Christmas sweater to Christmas morning, and Hawaiian Christmas there is no telling what the years to come have in store.
Regardless of what is going on during the holiday season, knowing Friendsmas will always be part of it just makes the season so much better.