It's that time of year folks! The time where friends and family gather in each others presence, exchange laughs, gifts, and stories of the past year. We revel in each others happiness, and soak up all the good times that come with the holiday season. Unfortunately, the lyrics of the Christmas songs we know and love really don't tell the true story of this time of year.
You're literally all the time. If you're a college kid, finals week's doom is slowly creeping upon you, and if you're a parent, you're stressed trying to figure out your finances for you and your family to have a nice Christmas.
In all reality, Christmas time really isn't all yule tide carols. It's stressful, crazy, hectic, and most of the times causes more burden than it does joy. What this season basically boils down to is, "How much sanity can I lose in order to ensure the others around me are happy?"
Growing up, I saw this a lot in my family. We were never the most financially well-off, and most of the times my parents worked overtime so that they could see our faces light up like a Christmas tree (not pun intended), because we got exactly what we asked for.
Now that I have grown up and am in my first year of college, I am beginning to realize just how much sacrifice and effort it takes to make Christmas happen, especially on the part of the grown ups. They work endless hours and make multiple shopping trips in order to fulfill the wishes of those around them. We have events like "Black Friday," where we glorify the idea of saving a couple bucks here and there, all the while shoving people out of the way in order to get these so called "bangin' deals".
I have always been and will probably continue to be one of the biggest Christmas fans you'll ever meet. I have Christmas carols playing in my car when people are watching Halloween specials, and I have my Christmas lights in my room the second I think its morally acceptable too.
Even though I am one of the biggest Christmas fans you know, I am slowly beginning to realize that Christmas' big meaning is losing its resonance in our society. We get so caught up in the "Black Fridays," and the "50% off on stuff we don't need" sales, that we begin to lose sight of what really matters during this time of year.
This time of year is meant to be around those we love, and to take time away from our hectic lives to be with these people, and to remember the reason why we were put on this Earth in the first place: to love. We are meant to enjoy and love everything about this time of year. The sights, the sounds, the food, the people, everything. We were not placed here to take place in rituals like "Black Friday". Instead, we are meant to be happy through other means like being around people we love and care deeply about.
So, this holiday season, I challenge you to stop worrying about your shopping lists, and instead take a deep breath, take a look around you, and take it all in. Hug your loved ones, eat lots of delicious food, sing carols, and observe all the pretty lights in your towns, because who knows, it may be the last time you ever get to.
I am personally wishing you all the very best holiday season filled with laugher, joy, and above all, NO STRESS! And if you do ever find yourself stressed and worried about what this holiday season brings you, know that I am sending you my love, light, and appreciation wherever you are!
Love Always,