When you go to college, perhaps you have some idea of what you want to do as a career but sometimes you don't. That's okay too. However, college has made me realize how quick people are to talk bad about your choice of major. It's something that you want to be proud of and tell people about but as soon as someone mentions the fine arts, it's all down hill from there. It blows my mind that many people thinks the fine arts are not important. They teach creativity and individuality, something you can't just get while sitting at a desk while typing numbers into a computer. I can't even begin to count on one hand how many people have said I was stupid for switching my major. At this point when I tell people my major, I just cringe because I know they'll have something to say about it. All I hear is "Good luck finding a job", "Have fun making hardly any money", etc. ALL. THE. TIME. Fun fact: I did not choose my major based on the money I will make, I chose something that actually makes me happy. I think it's extremely sad these days because all people are focused on is choosing a career that makes great money. I get it though. With the economy in the state that it is and the time period we were raised in has almost forced our generation to worry solely about making money rather than being happy. The idea of being happy is getting swept under the rug and people seem to be pushing themselves to a certain major only because it will make them money. I don't mean everyone though, I'm sure there are plenty of people who are super passionate about their desire to become a lawyer or a doctor which is amazing but it definitely doesn't mean we should shun the people who aren't desiring to do the same.
At the beginning of this semester I changed over the College of Arts and Science at Mizzou where I was previously in the College of Ed. as a Secondary Education major. Like I said, I got a lot of heat for changing my major to art history but it was strange to me because people still insulted me and made fun of my major when I was in Education. Everyone still told me how I would make no money and how I would have a hard time living comfortably if I really did become a teacher. Everyone constantly tried to tell me how easy my major was and how pretty much anyone could become certified to teach because it's "way easier than other majors". Guess what? I didn't go into education because it's easy. Maybe I don't have to take chemistry and economics and other classes like that but that doesn't mean my major is just magically easier than everyone else's. It's a different kind of difficult and I wish people knew that before they assume they know about everyone else's major. The majority of my friends are education majors and we hear the scoffs and the insults way too often. It's frustrating to always have to stick up for your major. Your friends and family should stop tearing you down but instead encouraging you to stick with it and do it what you enjoy. I guess some people can't be happy for others because they're doing something they are passionate about. Don't get yourself down if you're in the same boat. Be strong and stick up for yourself. Most importantly, just do you. Proving people wrong is by far one of the best feelings so go out there and embrace your major. Your happiness awaits.
"Don't let the haters stop you from doin' you thang." - Kevin Gnapoor, Mean Girls