The world is constantly evolving, and as the millennials reach the age to speak out, there are more opinions now than ever. Everyone seems to have an opinion on every single thing, all of the time. The president, abortion, the LGBT community, I mean literally everything. Sometimes as I scroll through my newsfeed on Facebook or Twitter I constantly think to myself “who the f*** cares?” I mean it is not to say that I am heartless and don’t like seeing the occasional dog video pop up on my newsfeed, but I feel like there is way too many opinions out there.
I am one of those people who loves to read. Give me an article, book or a poem and I will read it. However, lately I am not reading any of the articles on Facebook. Every article that is posted is about Bernie "this" and Trump “that” or “being a Christian in today’s age.” Honestly, I don’t care what it is like to be a “Christian” or any other religion in today’s age. I am sure that the Christians know how it feels, but they’re about the only ones that care. I am happy to see that people are expressing themselves; however, please share that on Christian Mingle or some affiliated website, not Facebook.
I understand that the election is coming up in November, and everyone seems to be choosing their sides, but Facebook is not the place to fight with someone about Trump. Also, we are in the twenty-first century, if you cannot have different views from your friend, then how open-minded are you really? When I am de-stressing from my day and scrolling through my feed the last thing I want to see is a bash on all white people because of Trump or other related posts on Bernie supporters being “lazy.” When I was young my mom told me “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all.” Please follow this advice online.
Abortions are a tough topic, everyone feels differently. I have seen both sides of the story, but again, when I get home from a ten-hour shift I don’t want to see a picture of a 20-week-old fetus. I just don’t, and I understand your views, but that’s not what I want to see. I get that you can express your views and I respect that, but respect mine as well. Arguing on Facebook, is also not something that should be done. You are essentially arguing with a computer, so just save your time and hold your tongue.
All I am saying is that I understand people like to share their many views on social media, but try to stay positive. Try to stay away from super personal topics such as: posting about being a Christian in today’s age on my Facebook home page.