Dear society, world, everyone,
I am so tired of all of the judgment. It makes me sick. Everywhere you look people are judging each other. Whether it's accidental or out of spite, whether it's voiced out loud, typed on the keys of a message board or simply a thought that pops into our heads. Judging other people for being different from you is downright awful. It's even worse to judge other people for doing the exact same things you do. I take that back, it's not worse, it seems worse, but all of it is equally horrible.
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Just recently in the news there has been so much controversy because of people judging others based off of race. "These white cops shot this kid because he was black." "That black kid was a criminal, he should have listened to the white cop." "All whites are racist." "All blacks are thugs." "Whites are not racist." "Blacks are not thugs." Enough. This is in no way me dissing the BLM movement or saying that I think it needs to be silenced, I am just so sad for our country that this is even a problem. It saddens me that some people need the reminder that black lives matter. It should be a given. I am so upset that people judge people based on the color of their skin or anything else.
I am also so sad that people judge religions so harshly. As a Christian, I am judged so much. When I first got saved, I was pretty young. Adults told me that people were going to judge me for my faith, for standing with Jesus. They were going to try to tear me away from my faith and they were going to think less of me because of it. I thought they were crazy. All my friends were Christians, we all went to church together. Not being a Christian is what made people stand out. Everyone believes in Jesus, right? Wrong. I was so wrong.
Christians are made fun of and criticized for our beliefs. And the second that we show weakness, the second that we sin, we are called out and condemned for it. I never claimed to be perfect. I am not perfect, but I was saved by the one that is. People just don't understand that. Those people judge me for what they don't understand. That's what everyone does. And not just with Christianity, with all religions. I am a Christian who lives in the Bible Belt and I'm this hurt by all the judgment. I cannot imagine how truly awful it must be for those of other religions in other parts of the world.
But it's not just race and religion that people make judgments on. It's everything. The clothes we wear, sexual orientation, the style of our hair, our gender, political beliefs, body size, etc. Society judges everything about us. We judge each other. By no means am I saying that I never judge anyone. I do, I hate that I do but I do. Sometimes I'll look at someone and think, "Ew, why is she wearing that?" Most of the time we can't control the thoughts that pop in our heads. We can, however, control what comes out of our mouths or what words are typed on our keyboards. I'm not saying I never do this either, because I do sometimes. But I shouldn't. It's something I try to be conscious of and I think that it's something everyone should try to be conscious of. We can't change society, but we can soften our hearts and try to be better versions of ourselves. We can take a look at ourselves before we throw stones at anyone else.