Tips for Amusement Parks
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8 Tips and Tricks for the Amusement Park Lover

Here's to making the most out of one of the happiest places on Earth.

8 Tips and Tricks for the Amusement Park Lover
Gabi Loue

If you're like me, you absolutely love amusement parks. Between the huge rollercoasters, the unpredictable log flume, and the endless list of shows and attractions, there's something there for everyone. Plus, the atmosphere just can't be beat, as everyone is there for one reason and one reason alone; to have fun. That being said, there are definitely ways one can maximize their time and happiness in these stellar locations.

1. Buy tickets online and ahead of time

This creates fewer lines, less time, and fewer expenses for you because there are often special deals and discounts when you plan ahead and buy online. My friend and I were able to go to Kings Kings Dominion this past week for only $30 a ticket thanks to their July Flash Sale, a far cry from their lowest ticket price of $52. Plus you don't have to wait in a huge line right when you arrive at the park to buy your ticket. The downsides? I see none.

2. Repeat after me: Left and back

Lines start forming the second the park opens, so what's one of the best ways to skip the long queues right off the bat? When you enter the park, head left, and go straight back. The rides there will most likely have the shortest lines due to our human inclination to go right and stop at the first thing we see. I swear, it's science.

3. Say yes to the meal plan

Busch Gardens

Seriously, really consider the meal plans. I always go for the all-access one if I'm there for the whole day and I definitely recommend it. Yes, it causes the initial prices of the ticket to go up, but theme park food is so astronomically expensive it almost always ends up paying for itself.

4. Treat yo’ self!

Amusement parks are no place for dieting! You're there to have fun, and that includes food too. Embrace everything the park has to offer and get that funnel cake you're craving! (Dippin' Dots are my personal favorite amusement park food)

5. Don’t stand in puddles unless you want to get wet.

I know it seems obvious but I still feel like I must point out that there is absolutely no reason there should be a puddle on the ground on a bright and sunny amusement park day. Most likely, this puddle comes from a close water ride, and while some parks do have places blocked off for rides with splashes that'll get onlookers soaked, there are often some other locations that are subject to chance. Don't get caught unawares! (And yes, I speak from experience)

6. Appearances can be deceiving

If the ride goes through any sort of dark tunnel, there is a 99.99% chance that tunnel is way longer and twistier than you think. Again, speaking from experience (I'm looking at you Backlot Stunt Coaster).

7. Bring your water bottle!


Trust me, this is the way to go. You don't have to pay for drinks, you stay hydrated throughout your busy day, you can fight off those nasty headaches that often come from too much coaster riding, and if you play it right, the bottle can easily fit into whatever bag you are carrying. I recommend these collapsible water bottles from Walmart; they're not too expensive and they fold up when empty for ease of use.

8. Get a t-shirt

Alicia Stella's Blogosaurus

Chances are, unless you work there or live right down the street, going to an amusement park is a one day, on occasion type deal, so spend that money to get that t-shirt or ridiculously overpriced keychain you want to commemorate this exciting day.

All in all, if there's one thing I hope you can take away from this article, it's that the memories of the times you had will long outlast the memory of all the money you spent. Save where you can, but never bargain on what makes you happy, whether it be time, money, or calories. It's your day, make the most of it. Oh, and one more thing. If the roller coaster is really tall and really fast, go in the front row. It's always worth the wait

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