If you're anything like me, stress can play a huge part in life and can even feel debilitating at times. Not only does being stressed out damage your mindset, research has shown it can wreak havoc on your physical health. Fortunately, there are ways to healthily cope with stress and reduce its undesired effects. The most important thing to remember when you're stressed out is that you're not powerless, even if you feel that way in the moment. We all have a tremendous influence on our mindset and are so much more powerful than we often realize. No matter how overwhelmed you currently are, I can promise you that the stress will pass and there are ways to speed up this process. Here's a list of some of the easiest methods for calming your mind and saying goodbye to stress this very moment!
1. Read or Write
One of the best ways to calm a stressful mind is to curl up with your favorite book or write out your feelings. If you have a journal, use that for a healthy way to process your emotions and reflect on what's causing you stress. Another great way to calm your mind is to sit down with good book and let yourself get lost in another world for awhile. Add a nice warm beverage alongside either of these, for an extra soothing effect.
2. Exercise
Exercise is an extremely healthy and effective way to distract yourself from your everyday stress as well as boost your mood. Thanks to the release of endorphins in your brain, you'll quickly be feeling happier with as little as 30 minutes of activity a day. So lace up those shoes and get going! Your mind and body will thank you.
3. Give Thanks
Sometimes we become so overwhelmed by everything stressful in our lives we forget the good still going on all around us. It's important to take a step back and remind yourself of everything you are currently thankful for. Try writing down whatever it is that comes to mind, big or small, and put them down on a gratitude list. I promise reflecting on all the reasons for you to be happy will bring a smile to your face and reduce your stress.
4. Deep Breathing
Practicing deep breathing is a great way to help reduce the tension in your body caused by stress and clear your mind. It even has numerous health benefits, such as boosting your immune system and strengthening your lungs. Each time you inhale deeply, imagine all of your worries and stressors in life, and then try and let them go with each exhale. Within minutes, you should be feeling calmer and less stressed.
5. Listen To Your Favorite Music
Listening to music is a soothing and fun way to decrease your stress. Try sitting or laying down somewhere comfortable and pick out your favorite tunes. With each song, practice clearing your mind and imagining the stress you feel flowing away with the melodies. You can make the experience even more calming by listening to music with slow tempos or uplifting lyrics. Here's a great list of songs for when you need that extra pick me up.
6. Take a Warm Bath
A great way to de-stress is with a cozy warm bath. The hot water works wonders in relaxing your muscles and soothing your mind. You can even add to the de-stressing experience by adding lavender essential oils, lighting candles, or using epsom salts rich in Magnesium.
7. Meditate
Meditation can seem intimidating to some, but it's actually easier to do than you'd think! Start by picking out a place you feel safe and relaxed and close your eyes. Next, try practicing mindfulness by focusing your thoughts on only one thing. It can be an object, and image, or even a blank mind. Once you've found a comfortable mindset, practice not letting any distracting thoughts appear. If they do, gently redirect your attention back to your original space. This only needs to be done for 10 minutes before you start feeling the benefits, but can be done as long as you like. This practice is amazing at clearing the mind and de-stressing and calming the body. Don't be discouraged if it takes you a little while to get the hang of it though, once you get in the habit of meditating it becomes easier and easier. Here you can find a helpful list of tips for beginners!
8. Get Out In Nature
I truly believe nature is one of the best remedies for a stressful mind. Getting outside and experiencing our beautiful planet does wonders for the brain and research actually shows that nature directly reduces our stress and helps improve our mood. So now is the perfect time to open your door and go experience the warm sunshine, the calming breeze, and the mesmerizing sky.
9. Reach Out
Sometimes when we're super stressed, we can feel completely alone in this world. Take this time to reach out to your friends and loved ones and let them know you need a little extra support. An uplifting phone call with a bestfriend is sometimes all you need to feel your mood start to improve. Plus, friends usually offer the best advice to help get you through.
10. Remember to Laugh
Laughter is one of the best medicines for stress relief thanks to it's high release of feel-good chemicals in the brain. Now is the perfect time to watch your favorite comedy show or search for those funny puppy videos. A famous quote by Charlie Chaplin states, "a day without laughter is a day wasted."