6. Tipping in money, however, is just a nice gesture | The Odyssey Online
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11 Things valet drivers want you to know before leaving your car with them

Trust me, it will make your life easier.

valet drivers

I have been doing valet for about four years now as a summer job. I absolutely love the interactions I have with guest/patients. Even though my location parks over 100 cars a day, I could not image doing another type of summer job. However, there are a few things that people should know before choosing the valet option.

1. Yes, we have to get in your car

Believe it or not, valet is when a person takes your car and parks it for you. The amount of people I have had ask me for valet but refused to let me in their car is a little crazy.

2. Tell them what's wrong

Not with you, but with your car. It helps to know if your window does not roll down, or if we have to use this special coat hanger to unlock your door to get out.

3. Be patient

​We get it, you're ready to get your car back, or you are ready for us to get to you in line. Please just be patient, especially when it is noticeably busy. We will get to you.

4. Leave the AC on

Please, for the love, if your AC works, please leave it on. We are normally outside all day. Especially in the summer months. Nothing is worse when it is 100+ degrees outside only to get into a car that has been sitting in the hot sun for eight hours.

5. Tipping in water is completely acceptable

Like I said before, we are normally outside all day. If its in the summer, its HOT. We sweat and are trying our best to not dehydrate and pass out. Bringing us water is one of the best things you can do to thank us.

6. Tipping in money, however, is just a nice gesture


It is not required though. Many valet stations tend to pay pretty decently, but tips are often what we use to replenish water and Poweraid for our crew.

7. We do actually judge extremely dirty cars

I'm not talking about a few water bottles and fast food bags or a dirty exterior. I am talking about cars that you get in and stuff is molding over and feels as if something died inside of your vehicle. But don't worry, you car will be parked pretty close to the main station. If your car is basically a dumpster, it may be best to self park.

8. Don't valet when your low on gas

Some valet stations park the cars fairly close, others, it may be several blocks away. The last thing we want to be worrying about is being in a car that runs out of gas.

9. Don't lose that ticket

That ticket is practically your lifeline for your car. It lets us know that it is indeed your car. While we do get your name, having that ticket is physical proof that those keys are yours.

10. Use your real name

This is just as important as the ticket. Most valet stations are not 24/7, especially those at some hospitals. When we have to leave, at my location we turn keys into security. Security will often make sure the last name matches to yours before handing you the keys. While Smith might be a cool last name, we know that's not true.

11. Talk to us before leaving your car

Don't just park your car in the valet line and run off before talking to us. Because remember, no ticket, no getting your keys (at least easily).

Utilizing valet services is honestly the best thing to do in many situations. Many of us that do this as a job love the fast pace and all the people we meet. Just remember, always keep hold of that ticket.

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