Stressing over that one test? Or maybe those 3 tests? You've been preparing for this all semester, but somehow your professors expect you to remember what they talked about the first week of class?
They put new AND cumulative information on it and make it like 50 questions longer, but yet you're supposed to be a genius and get them all right? Well, you can do these 11 things to help you make it through finals week.
1. Listen to music.
Make yourself a bomb playlist and jam out while studying because honestly I cannot sit and study in complete silence or I might go insane.
2. Do yoga.
I have learned that this is a great way to relieve stress and to relax so that you are not all tense.
3. Eat meals at normal times.
I know it may be hard to eat on a normal schedule, but that will help you to remember the information if you can just eat at a normal time.
4. Take breaks.
Don't study for 12 hours and then wonder why you are exhausted, especially if you did not take a break. Taking a break is vital to your mental health during finals week, and you might want to be sane for that test.
5. Call home.
Call your mom or dad and just talk to them because I am sure that they are wondering about how you are doing and it is a great way to vent about how loud your roommate is being and how it is distracting you.
6. Talk to another human being in person.
Tell your friend that you want to get dinner with them or just take a break and go walk around with a friend because before you know it, you will be home for the summer, not seeing these people all the time.
7. Watch a movie after a test to take a break before you study again.
TAKE A BREAK! Just because you just finished taking a test, go do something that is not studying!
8. Workout.
Go do something productive. Working out can relieve a lot of stress for you.
9. Sleep.
GET ENOUGH SLEEP! If you do not sleep then you won't remember the material on your final and you could possibly not do as well as you would have liked just because you were too tired to remember what you studied.
10. Facetime with your dog.
This is honestly my favorite thing to do during finals week. I call my mom and tell her to get the dog ready because I just need a good stress reliever and trust me that is my dog.
11. Don't stress too much.
I know these exams are hard and mean a lot to your grade, but the more you stress the less you will remember, so just use some stress relieving techniques and you will be much better off. Don't end up like this guy!
Well here is a funny gif to start your finals week off right!