A road trip always sounds like a good idea, especially with your friends, but let's be honest when you are in a car for 18 hours things can get claustrophobic. The best way to survive any road trip is through constant distraction from the uncomfortable traveling situation.
Binge some shows! you can now download shows and movies. this could keep anyone entertained for quite along time. Maybe try a show you have not ever heard of or seen. you will probably love it.
Listen to new music
Try a new album! You might even expand your music taste. listening to music can make a long time go by very quickly.
I love a good podcast. Find a funny one and you can spend your entire ride laughing, or you get a mystery and become invested in finding out what happened!
Sleep, sleep and more sleep!
Take a nap! you could wake up and be there. It is the best way to pass time. Just remember to bring a pillow!
Social media
I mean we distract our selves on social media every day anyway, so it is obviously a good choice in the car. we all know that Twitter is always entertaining but honestly, Vine would be the best in the car. R.I.P Vine.
A good book is an amazing way to pass time. I suggest Nicholas Sparks because how can you not get addicted to that?
Play games
Candy Crush!! Games are the best because it makes you think and distracts you from the long hours you have infant of you.
I am in college and constantly have homework, so the car gives me time to get it done. you might as well make the best use of your time!
Actually talk to each other
You rarely get to have people you love in one spot, make the most of it. Make memories, even if it is in the car.
 Sight see
The best part about a road trip is all the different places you pass through. take some time to appreciate them!
Yes, road trips can suck. However, they are not that bad if you have a good attitude about it and bring thins to distract you. It always makes it better when you are with friends. So, I recommend bringing them along too.