Freshman year of college can be one of the most daunting experiences, but it doesn't have to be that way. Coming into my freshman year I felt completely clueless, which is totally normal. All the stress-filled moments are mini freak outs you have is incredibly normal and not something to stress even more about. Now with a year of college under my belt, here are some tips to survive your freshman year.
1. Don't Take a Class Before 10am
I too thought I could handle a 9 am class, because we did it in high school, right? Well, college is completely different, and sometimes 9 am feels like 5 am. Just trust me when I say, it's not worth it. You won't wake up for it and 9/10 times you will end up skipping it. If you aren't 100% a morning person, an early morning class is not for you.
2. The Freshman 15 is Real
i had pizza for lunch today maya rudolph
It is real and it will sneak up on you, but there are ways you can prevent it. Your meal plan is a wonderful thing if you choose to eat responsibly. While it's tough, healthy eating and good exercise will save you from the freshman 15. Walking to class is a great form of exercise (plus, they just remodeled the Colvin!) and yoga is a great stress reliever.
3. Drink and Party Responsibly
While I don't condone or encourage underage drinking, partying in college can sometimes be inevitable. If the party scene is for you, that's great, but it's definitely not for everyone. If you do choose to partake, make sure to do it in a responsible and safe manner. Be sure to drink plenty of water and ALWAYS make sure you have a safe way home, whether it be a DD or an uber. And ladies, never leave a friend or your drink unattended at a party, especially if you don't know the host.
4. It's OK not to be in Greek Life
Let me start off by saying Greek Life can be a wonderful thing and there is nothing wrong with being Greek. Greek Life is a huge part of campus life, and sometimes you might feel a pressure to be a part of it. Greek life can be very intimidating and if you feel it's right for you, go for it. Don't feel pressured to join if it's not for you, there are a ton of other campus organizations and clubs to join to get involved!
5. Use a Planner or Journal
This is one of the most important tips, having a planner or journal will completely change your college experience. Just having somewhere to dump your thoughts, plans, homework, work schedule, quizzes, etc. can be so helpful when trying to balance life, school, and work. Bullet journaling is a great way to stay organized because you can completely tailor it to your personal needs, and it's a great stress reliever.
6. Make Time for Yourself
College can be one of the busiest times of your life, and also one of the most stressful, so making time for yourself is so important. Self-care is different for everyone. Self-care could be doing a face mask and taking a bath, or taking a break from your homework to get kills on Fortnite. Whatever it is, try and do it at least once a week and your life will improve for the better.
7. Don't Compare Yourself
Sometimes it's hard not to compare yourself to the people around you. In college, you are surrounded by thousands of people every day. It's important to remember that everyone is coming from a different walk of life, and no two college experiences are going to be the same. Don't compare yourself to others grades, clothes, living situation, whatever it may be. No one asked for the life they were given, so just make the best of it.
8. It's OK to be Undecided
i have no idea what i'm doing andy dwyer parks and rec
I feel like there is sometimes a stigma that you have to come to college with your whole future figured out. That is totally NOT the case. College is the time to get to know yourself and figure out what you want out of life. There is no way to have your whole life figured out at the young age of 18.
9. It's OK to not live on campus
There is a lot of pressure at the beginning of college to move out of your parents house. While moving out can be really exciting and new, it can sometimes be stressful and scary. If you don't feel ready, don't do it. Commuting to campus is totally fine if you are able to. It's better to do it when you feel ready when taking such a huge step. Don't rush and take everything at a pace you are comfortable with.
10. Have Fun
If you take any advice, take this. Have fun, because you never know what tomorrow, next week, or next year is going to bring. These are years you don't get back, so make the best of them. Go to that football game, join that club, and if you miss your family, go see them (being homesick is also totally normal)! Most importantly live in the moment. Freshman year will go by quicker than you expect, and you should have great memories to look back on when you go home for the summer.
Freshman year is so exciting and can be an amazing experience if done well. Keep true to your beings and never be afraid to explore. It is going to be crazy and chaotic at moments. Embrace all the crazy moments and take a lot of deep breaths every day. Everything is new which makes the stress levels go up but do not let the pressure get to you. Have fun. You are in college and for once do not actually have rules set by parents. It is a freedom that you can let easily get to your head. Set rules for yourself and enjoy your life responsibility. Hopefully, with these tips, you will be able to rock your freshman year!