We’re in that season of the year that living in the close quarters of a dorm really start to set in and all at once, everyone is sick. You tried to stay hydrated, sleep often enough, and eat some vegetables to stay healthy but now you’re sick and coughing up a lung every few minutes. It’s inevitable, and unfortunately unavoidable, getting sick is a vibe killer no doubt but there are some ways to make the sick life a little less miserable...
1. (If they are not already) Your roommate will soon get sick after you, and you can bond over dying together, and you can take care of each other.
2. Lysol EVERYTHING. Always have wipes out and wipe down desks, doorknobs, microwaves and coffee mugs on a regular basis, even if the sick germs won a battle, don’t let them win the war.
3. Drink lots of green tea and honey! It’s easily accessible, tastes nice, will soothe your sore throat and maybe one of your friends will cutely make you some and bring it to you in bed (:
4. Keep drinking lots and lots of water. Honestly, hydration solves pretty much anything.
5. Go to your local pharmacy and stock up on Emergen-C, and daily vitamin gummies. Take those like it’s your job; you can never get enough vitamins, they’re just a good idea to make a part of your regular routine, sick or not they’ll keep you healthy.
6. You have an actual excuse to skip class so skip it! Email your professors, text a friend from your class, and get educated from the comforts of bed.
7. Take advantage of your health services office, it’s their job to help you! They might give you some answers as to why you feel dead and they have free medicine!
8. If everyone is going out, use the sick excuse to go to bed early and you can fall asleep to Netflix playing as loud as you want!