So finals week is RAPIDLY approaching. Umm, excuse me, what happened to August? Did it and the rest of the months just decide to up and walk away? Yes, yes they did. What awaits us in December are our finals - a mixture of misery and hope. We have to fabricate last minute papers out of thin air and become experts on things we may have completely forgotten from the beginning of the semester, but once we have taken those finals, oh yes once we have finished with them, We. Are. Free. So, how might one go about studying for these passage ways to freedom? Well, here is a list of tips just for you.
1) Keep yourself on a schedule.
Having a set time for studying will help you actually study. If you keep a planner (which you totally should) write down what times every day you will be studying. You will feel more obligated to study.
Recommended for you
2) Study alone or with just one other person.
I know, studying with a group of friends is way more fun - but the reason it is fun is because you aren't actually studying. You will focus so much better if you are alone. If you want the company of other miserable studying people so you aren't the only miserable one, limit yourself to one friend! That person might be able to help with flash cards or just simply by being quiet company.
3) Snacks, snacks, snacks!
Snacks make everything more fun! And actually, they really will help. You need to keep yourself fueled during those long hours of brain exercise - but make sure they are healthy (apples with peanut butter, nuts, carrots and hummus, etc.), fatty foods like chips and ice-cream will only make you feel sluggish and won't help your studying.
4) Take breaks!
Your mind needs an intermission from so much focus - go do something fun and don't think about studying for a bit.
5) Sleep!
Don't pull all-nighters! Your mind NEEDS sleep! Your brain needs to relax so it can continue working - it can't run 100% of the time. Your brain will actually retain more information if you get enough sleep. It will continue thinking about what you were studying while you sleep. It's like extra studying without even realizing it!
6) Be comfy!
Wear soft comfortable clothes, pajamas if you must. Itchy sweaters and tight jeans are just annoying and will distract you from studying.