Now that syllabus week is over, the stress of school and everything that comes along with it is setting in. Wether you had a great first semester or a horrible one, it's always a good idea to start your semester strong. It's easy to feel stressed and confused this time of year, so here are some tips to help this semester run smoothly.
1. Set your alarm for a proper wake-up time
Setting your alarm for a time that's not 5 minutes before your class starts will make you more alert and focused. It gives you time to get ready, eat, etc. Despite class times differing each day, setting your alarm for the same time every morning will put your body into a better sleep cycle.
2. Write down your schedule in your planner
At the beginning of the week, write your schedule in your planner or put it in your cell phone. This will help you be more organized with homework, work schedules, and other activities.
3. Flag important emails
Flagging emails from professors, clubs, etc. will make it a lot easier to find information. Nothing is worse than scrolling through a bunch of emails when you're trying to find something important.
4. Workout
Studies show that students who workout compared to student who do not receive better grades. Healthy body, healthy mind!
5. Don't let stress get to you
A little bit of stress is good to keep you on your toes and motivated, but too much can do the opposite. In college stress is inevitable, but letting it get to you can do more harm than good. Don't dwell on a bad test grade; use it as motivation to do better on your next one.