Christmas is over, the new year has started, and all that's left is to start off the spring semester. It's a daunting idea after having a month free from classes, exams, and all other responsibilities to go back and start a whole new mess of stress. Yet we have to and we will and for the first week or so, we'll struggle. But, just because there's been a month off and you aren't used to the day to day college life, it doesn't have to be miserable. There are steps you can take and things you can do to make that transition just a little bit easier.
First things first, establish a semi-normal sleep schedule before you head back to the dorms. You might be used to pulling all-nighters and sleeping until noon, but chances are that won't fly once classes start. So take the week before classes, go to bed before three in the morning and try to be up before ten. Your brain, body, and grades will thank you come class time.
Secondly, remember all the excitement you had in September? Starting a new year, meeting a new roommate, starting new classes; it's all so exciting that sometimes it gives you the boost you need to manage everything. Try and recapture that energy as you head into your spring semester. Be insanely excited to start your new classes, see all your friends again, and be in the comfort of your dorm room. You'd be surprised how far the right energy can propel you.
Third, make sure you have enough supplies to last you another semester. There's nothing worse than walking into class and being told that you need a fresh notebook, pens, and a calculator and all you have is a crumpled up piece of loose leaf from the fall. Being prepared is crucial to being on top of your game and staying organized. Enable yourself to be the best you possible. Buy some notebooks, invest in a planner, and go in there to kick some assignment rear.
Fourth, have some goals in mind so you don't fall into a slump. Staying motivated and engaged is key to achieving success in any environment and college is no different. Even small goals such as "Don't skip class" can be beneficial. It gives you a purpose and it gives you something to work towards that feels achievable. Sometimes the pressure of maintaining a great GPA and passing all your classes is a little too much. Make small, obtainable goals that you know won't be a problem. It'll give you stability and confidence.
Lastly, remember to enjoy yourself and not let yourself be too overwhelmed. College is a fun, exciting, and occaisonally crazy place. Get out there and enjoy it! Don't let the pressure drag you down and make you miserable. That's a huge factor in failing grades, and even dropping out of school. As long as you can balance the world of work and play, you're golden. Starting a new semester can be a huge task at first, but if you take a few hours here and there, decompress, everything will go so much smoother.
So, if you're starting your spring semester, if you're a little worried, or maybe if you just arehaving a hard time handling "this whole college thing", give these tips a try. You might be surprised at just how much of your success depends on the environment you create for yourself.