2. Suggest That You Go On A Date. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tips On What To Do When You're Unsure On How Your College Crush Is Feeling About You

We've all been there—there's no reason to make your relationship even MORE complicated.

5 Tips On What To Do When You're Unsure On How Your College Crush Is Feeling About You

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We've all been there: you're interested in a guy, but aren't quite sure if he's interested in you.

You talk fairly often (probably more often than you would with a regular friend), you flirt, he calls you sometimes just to talk or to take a break from stress, and you can equally rely on each other when you need a shoulder to cry on; basically, you're in a glorified friendship. The problem is that you want more.

Believe me, I know how you feel, and it SUCKS. Not knowing is always the worst part.

So I've compiled a list. Here are a few things you can do to figure out how he feels:

1. Just ASK Him.


Listen, I KNOW it's scary, putting yourself out there. Vulnerability is terrifying, but my mom always told me that if you don't ask, you'll never know, and the answer will therefore always be no. So get out there, put on a brave face, and have that conversation with him. If he says he's interested, then congratulations! You've found yourself a boyfriend! If not, well at least you know; he's missing out, and you deserve someone who will reciprocate!

2. Suggest That You Go On A Date.


Things could go one of two ways: you could go out with him on a date, or he can reject you. Regardless, you're going to know how he feels. If he rejects you, it's absolutely NOT the end of the world! Like I said earlier, it's his loss! You will find another guy who you'll love 3000 times more, and he'll feel exactly the same.

3. Up The Flirtatiousness.


We can't all be full-senders; I know for a FACT that it'll take me a while to gather the confidence to straight-up ask a guy on a date. So, what we CAN do is crank up the flirting. If he reciprocates, he's either SUPER interested in you too, or he's leading you on; usually, you can tell which one it is based on the character of the guy you're flirting with. I think you all know what I mean...

4. Spend More Time With Him.


Sometimes, you can tell how someone feels about you based on how he acts when you're around. If you both flirt with one another, odds are, the more time you spend with him, the more he's going to realize how he feels. Maybe he already knows how he feels and he's just not picking up on any signals you're sending. Sometimes, you just have to be a little bit more obvious.

5. Tell Him How YOU Feel.


If all else fails, just be honest. This is your big moment in terms of your "relationship" (obviously not the greatest thing you'll ever do, just like Taylor Swift said, "in your life, you'll do things greater than dating a boy...," but still, a pretty big thing; being honest and open and vulnerable in any capacity is something worth being proud of). You will (most likely) never look back on any time you've been honest about your feelings for someone and wish you hadn't because ultimately, as is with anything in life, there is something to be learned from each and every experience.

To any and all guys out there feeling unsure about how a girl feels about them: these tips can work for you too!

Also, to anyone out there messing with someone's feelings or taking advantage of the fact that they're interested in you: it's not cool. Exploiting someone's feelings for you is a very low thing to do; consider how you might feel if the one person you were super into did the same to you.

I hope this list does some good for someone out there. I hope to look on and see via Instagram that you've fostered a relationship with the person of your dreams. Good luck!

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