Tips To My Freshman Self
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Tips To My Freshman Self

The year of living in a shoebox and eating too much crappy food

Tips To My Freshman Self
Madeline Shore

Freshman Year: a year filled with awkward transitions, making new friends, greasy frat parties, eating terrible food, and trying to survive the schoolwork. As I sit in the library crying over finals, I reflect on my freshman year experience. I truly have had the time of my life, but there are some things I wish I could have told myself back in August. Here are 20 tips for all you incoming freshman.

1. Put yourself out there

Go to as many events on campus as possible! You'll meet interesting and passionate people and you might find a passion in the process.

2. Don't bring your entire closet

You may think you won't be able to survive college without that sweater with the hole in it, but you can. Be super selective of what you bring to college. You will probably end up wearing 10% of the clothes you bring. After the second week it's just leggings and t-shirts all the way.

3. Make friends in multiple groups

It's great to have a variety of friends. Join clubs and organizations to meet as many people you click with as possible!

4. Don't wait the day before your exam to read all of the required reading

It's super tempting to put off the required textbook reading until the last minute, especially when a new Netflix show just came out. But you will definitely regret it when you have to pull an all nighter in the library.

5. If you get offered to go somewhere fun, like the Parkway, go

These are some of the best moments to look back on. These little trips somewhere take off some of the stress from school and make college more enjoyable.

6. It's okay to skip class

My motto: If it's nice out, skip it. Obviously, be smart and go to class majority of the time. But if you just aren't feeling it or it's a gorgeous day to sit outside with friends, miss that British Literature class.

7. It's also okay if you accidentally miss a class

Maybe your alarm didn't go off or you overslept. Whatever the reason is, don't stress over missing classes accidentally. It will not destroy or define you. Just make sure to go to the next one.

8. The library is your best friend

Go to the quiet floor and just push through your work. You'll get through things so much quicker, meaning you get to go to sleep earlier.

9. If a party looks sketchy, don't bother

Becky from your floor might have said it was going to be a lot of fun, but if it's in an old basement with a few randoms, go to your dorm and go to bed.

10. Tackle your work by focusing on one thing at a time

School can get super overwhelming. Make sure to get a planner and write everything you have to get done. Organize it by what you need to get done first. Focus on that first thing and then move onto the next. Before you know it, it'll be twelves hours and two coffees later and you'll be done.

11. Don't be afraid of all the change

Everything is new when you come to college. It can be a super scary and uncomfortable thing. Don't you dare let this hold you back. Change is good and you'll see it's going to be the best change that has ever happened to you.

12. Explore all options in the dinning hall because you might find something you really like

It's very tempting to just stick to Chick-Fil-A and that wrap you had the first day, but try as much as possible! I just found some food I love towards the end of the year and I wish I had tried it sooner.

13. Really research the classes you register for

You may think that Tai Chi is going to be a cool PE class. You may even think that you'll enjoy it. BUT YOU WILL BE WRONG. Look into classes and make sure that it's actually something you will enjoy and be interested into. If not you'll be watching your instructor make bird noises as you slowly move your arms like me in Tai Chi.

14. Don't procrastinate doing laundry

Your laundry bag will stare you in the face for two weeks and you will pretend that nothing is wrong. It won't be until you're out of socks and pants that you'll realize you've hit rock bottom. Carrying that stuffed bag downstairs will be a pain, so just don't procrastinate.

15. Use your meal plan money instead of going out to eat all the time

It's the end of the semester and I have $350 of meal plan money and $2 in my checking account. I now look back and regret all the times I chose eating at Bojangles instead of the dinning hall. You're a broke college student and don't you ever forget it.

16. Take some funny videos when you go out

Nothing beats looking through your phone and finding hilarious videos from the nights you went out with friends. These are great to send in group chats to reminisce on freshman year and all of it's craziness.


You may need a certain class and the only one available is an 8 am. In your head you think you can handle it and it'll be fine. For the love of God do not do what I did and take that 8 am. It will lead to so much sadness and so many tears.

18. Get into a routine of going to the gym

At the beginning of the semester create a schedule you can stick to. Whether you go to the gym after your classes or in between, getting into a routine makes going so much easier.

19. Go out but know your limits

You came to college to get a good education and a degree, but college is also about having some fun. Go out with your friends and make the best memories but know when you should stay in. Getting that paper that's due tomorrow will always be more important than going out for jersey Thursday.

20. Have fun because this will be the best year of your life

It may be stressful, tiring, and at times not fun at all, but at the end it really is the best year ever. So go out there and crush it!

You only get one freshman year in college. It may be hard to believe that the year living in a shoebox while trying to find people you can tolerate is enjoyable, but it truly is. You'll pull all nighters, eat too much pizza, go to random & weird parties, and get into some strange and funny situations. At the end of the year you'll be sitting with your friends and wish it wasn't over. So go out there and take it all in because if you don't, you'll regret it.

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