Friends, family, professors, and others of the like: I am NOT organized. I scramble to locate papers from every class, struggle to keep track of my schedule, and furthermore, continuously pretend that I have all of these aspects under control. However, I have recently made the executive decision to get my life together. That’s right - no more wondering where my homework mysteriously went when I can’t find it in class; no more cramming three textbook readings into one night; and especially no more making excuses for these things. Here I am, reaching out to all you other unorganized and exponentially messy people. You can do this. Consider these tips your “Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide” for college (#tbt, am I right?).
1) Get one of those multiple subject folder things. I am telling you, these devices are Godsent. I believe it was fate the day my mother picked one up from the sale section of CVS and threw it in my tote bag. If you’re like me, regular folders just don’t cut it - the cardboard ones rip, the plastic ones somehow also rip, and binders might as well be nonexistent, because I wind up throwing papers in my bag before I even think about the exhausting act of three-hole-punching a handout. These multiple subject, heavy-duty plastic folders are ideal for many reasons. No more carrying around various folders with random course names written sloppily on the front in illegible Sharpie. Instead, you have one main folder with four or five compartments, each with a small tab and label. Very simple, very organized, very “the new me.” So far, I haven’t lost a single homework sheet or handout (knock on wood).
2) Make a note-taking schedule. This step might take a little bit of time out of your busy college life, but it is worth it. Before I began rigorously planning my homework, I would constantly struggle to figure out what readings and papers to complete on which nights of the week. In fact, I would often spend more time figuring out what reading to start than actually doing the reading. This was not an efficient way to work. This year, I’ve implemented a new schedule for myself in which I outline which readings for which classes I must complete for every day of the week. For example, on Wednesdays, I have planned for myself that I must do a Biology reading in the morning before my classes and an Economics reading after my classes later in the day. These specific requirements help me to think about which classes I have the following day and allow me to break up my study time so as to not get overwhelmed with work all at once.
3) Make a list of important dates for the week. If you’re ambitious, make a list of important dates for the entire month, maybe even for the entire year! Except, if you’re unorganized like me, making one list for the week is probably sufficient enough for now. Take the time to look through your e-mails and announcements from professors for important upcoming due dates and/or events. This may take a good twenty or thirty minutes, but it’s better to know what’s coming up in and outside of your classes rather than missing assignments or a club meeting.
4) This is perhaps the most important of the steps: take snack breaks. Am I the only one who is constantly motivated by a large spoonful of Nutella? Definitely not. I am not promoting eating unhealthy amounts of junk food; however, if eating a few Cheez-Its is what gets you through a 40 page textbook reading, power to you, my friend. I often find myself eyeing the box of Apple Jacks (so vintage!) on the counter across from me as I sift through the pages of my French 232 workbook. When I finish these next two exercises, I get a handful of those delicious-looking Apple Jacks, I think to myself. Setting these delectable goals are a fun way to stay on task and get your nutrients (empty carbs) in for the day!
Think you’re ready to stay organized yet? You are. Trust me, if I can do it, anybody can. Good luck with becoming the most organized of all your friends and bragging about it when you get awesome grades (Disclaimer: I have yet to get a grade back since testing out these tips)!