We all want to be successful, stay fit, be healthy and have a wonderful social life. As most of us try to achieve this seemingly impossible concoction, we somehow lose sight of the fundamental elements in our life that keep us going. And if we steer away from what keeps us balanced and healthy, well, then you know what happens. It is important to make ourselves IMPORTANT and keep ourselves at the forefront of all that is going on. So while you are trying to study your ass off to get an A on that exam, you might be sacrificing a healthy night's sleep. And while you forget to grab breakfast in the morning and work your way through lunch, you're damaging your immune system little by little. And although the partying you did probably won't kill you, it's not helping your immune system either. I'm all about success and achieving goals, but sometimes we need to be reminded that our bodies and our lives need more care than we think.
1. Drink Lots Of Water.
Oh I know , that's such a conventional rule to have. But sometimes we need to consciously remind ourselves to drink water. Water can do more for us than we may think- when you have a headache, drink water. When you're feeling anxious, drink water. When you feel like your thirst is quenched, just drink more water. It keeps our skin young, our bodies healthy, and keeps us going during the day.
2. Substitute Coffee With Green Tea.
PLEASE DON'T BE MAD! I know what you're thinking- "get out of here, no way I can do that." But, you can. Trust me, I'm just as addicted to coffee as the next person is. Coffee is my vice and without it, I can barely function. But I've also learned to substitute coffee with green tea- which is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and caffeine, so you can get that daily dose you need. But aside from the caffeine, the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants give you LONG lasting energy. Green tea is also good for your skin. It has cancer-fighting activity within it as well. So when you can, put down the latté and pick up a green tea, because it can really be a big help.
3. Put Down The Work And Go To Bed.
It can seem like the world is caving in on you with the amount of work you have to do, deadlines approaching faster than normal. But as much as that stuff matters, so does your health. And that means getting an adequate amount of sleep at night because it is crucial to a healthy, functioning body. We might prioritize our work and stay up all night just to make sure things are submitted. If you are making a habit out of this, it is obviously no good. Think through how you can reorganize your day so you can make sure you can go to bed every night and recharge your brain. No sleep= no bueno. You might even catch a colder quicker.
4. Take 15 Min Breaks To Walk Around.
You've been sitting at your desk all day, probably snacking to keep your body going, drinking water (hopefully), and staring at a computer screen. Getting up, walking around, giving your eyes a change of scenery can be good to get blood circulation up and also healthy. Studies have shown that people who have desk jobs gain weight much easier than people who do not due to inactivity of the body. So I'm sure you don't want to gain weight. Getting up to walk around will also take your mind off of stressful things- I mean, who wants to constantly be thinking about work all day?!
5. Lift Others Up.
Have you ever heard that radiating good energy makes you feel better internally? Well it's true. When you take the time to help others, compliment others, hold doors for them, it will make you feel good as well. Feeling positive and happy under stressful circumstances helps us perform better. When serotonin levels increase, it has a positive domino effect on the external portion of your life.
6. If You're Having A Stressful Week, Cut Gym Time In Half.
Obviously, exercise is good. But what happens when we overwork our bodies? Not good things. If you still have time for the gym (which you should), cut the amount of time for which you work out, in half. You will give your body good energy by working out, but you will not overwork yourself, make your body week, and catch a cold. So while it is important to always stay strong and energized, we don't want to overdo it.
7. Take 10 Minutes To Reflect On The Accomplishments You've Made.
In the midst of all hectic activity, we should always self-reflect. We may become so overwhelmed with what needs to get done, that we forget exactly what we've done. Take at least 10 minutes to think of or even write down the many things that you have accomplished thus far. It's so easy to get caught up and stressed, but it's also very easy to feel accomplished and NOT stressed.
8. Power Up With Energy- Filled Food.
If you're snacking at work or school, make sure it can give you some type of long lasting energy. Foods that are healthy and take longer to break down will keep you satisfied and energized for quite some time.
Find a list of energizing snacks that are easy to pack for here :
9. Take Time To Appreciate Yourself.
Just like we must take the time to collect our thoughts and think about our accomplishments, we must take the time to self-appreciate. When we're stressed, not feeling healthy, on edge, etc., we probably won't feel too good about ourselves. Remember that you are only human- and human err is inevitable. Remind yourself that you are doing great and that you are a great human being. Recall things that you love about yourself or that you have improved- it can really help your mood.
And finally,
10. Trust Your Intuition.
If you are feeling like things are just getting out of control, too hectic, and too much for you to handle, take a step back. Your intuition is telling you it doesn't feel right for a reason, and you need to trust that and take the initiative before you compromise your health. I personally do not believe that your life should consume you so much that you are feeling so run down, although it does happen more often than not. Hopefully, the next time you are in this situation, you remember that your health is more important than anything.