It's that time of the semester where we all seem to have hit a breaking point. Professors are throwing everything at us and every assignment is due on the same day. Everyone is running on only a few hours of sleep and Thanksgiving break can't come fast enough. But even those few days don't seem like enough when final exams follow the week after we return. Here are a few of my tips for surviving the last few weeks of this semester:
1. Set time aside each day to complete your assignments.
Procrastination will only add to your stress, so complete your work soon after you are given the assignment instead of scrambling around trying to finish it hours before the due date.
2. Agendas/planners are your friends.
Write everything down. Don't fool yourself into thinking you'll remember due dates, because let's be honest, you probably won't. This is also a great way to lay everything out and see exactly what needs to be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
3. Give yourself breaks in between study periods.
For every hour or so of studying give yourself a five or ten-minute break to clear your head. You'll find yourself getting less distracted while studying by doing this.
4. Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep.
College students are constantly on the go, but make sure you give yourself enough time to sleep at night. Turn off electronics about 20 or 30 minutes before going to sleep to give yourself some downtime. It will lead to a better night of sleep. Also, don't forget to drink your water to stay hydrated and keep your energy up.
5. Keep track of your grades.
Make sure you know what grade you have in each of your classes and know what you need to make on the remainder of your assignments to pass the class or make the final grade you want.