Whatever your age, gender or race -- bad days happen. Hopefully not every day, but sometimes they seem to last forever. I wish I had a list that could detail ways to survive the despair that sets in when hearing about what’s going on in the world, but alas I don’t have those answers. My list is for those ordinary days that we exist through, but just happen to get us down. This is for when you’re having one of those days.
1. Find 4 minutes alone to play your power song.
If you don’t have a song, find one. Find one that either makes you laugh, makes you throw back your shoulders in determination or gives you hope. Maybe one of each. But when it’s 11 a.m. and you feel like you can’t face another person or task, a song can give you the motivational push you need.
2. Plan something you can look forward to.
Plan something you can look forward to. Call up your go-to person/people or even a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile -- or plan it by yourself. Bake some cookies. Go out to your favorite restaurant. Watch a movie. The list of things you could plan are endless. Just commit to choosing one.
If all else fails, give yourself permission to look up cat videos on YouTube. Here's a link to everyone's favorite SAIL cat. Watch it again or watch it for the first time. Some things never lose their charm.
3. Prove someone wrong.
Think of all the people who ever tried to put you down and then set your determination to prove them wrong. It’s really just them wanting you to have a bad day. Even if you haven’t seen them in ten years, channel all your determination into having a good day because they don’t get to ruin your day.
4. Chocolate.
Seriously. Or kale chips. Whatever suits your fancy. No judging. Or, apparently, if you can't decide, you can have both. I didn't know this existed. Not sure if I'm better off for finding it... you should probably just choose one or the other.
5. Accomplish something.
If you can claim at least one success in your day, it’ll be better. It can be as simple as making your bed or doing the dishes. Or it can be super complex! I'll let you be creative there.
6. Remember that it’s just one day.
For as bad as one day can be, it is only 24 hours. They will pass at the same speed the previous 24 did, and the same speed the next 24 will pass. It may seem like the world is ending, but how many times have people said that, and the next morning the sun rose just like every morning before. Hang in there. Good days will come too.