I used to think things were in black and white, that I needed to choose between different lifestyles-- I could be the studious, successful type or the type to go out and party. It wasn’t until college that I realized I could be both. However, with a busy mind comes the thoughts that regularly make me feel like a walking contradiction.
I know I am probably not the only one who finds themselves caught in this paradox so I decided to create a list of “protips” for people in my position of trying to be successful, but have fun while they’re still young.
1. Make lists:
I make to-do lists daily. As a double major, an employee, and recording secretary for two organizations on my campus, you might say that I have a lot on my plate. so making a list of things that need to be done in order of priority is the only way I keep my life together without overwhelming myself and when I complete the tasks I am allowed to treat myself.
2. Set multiple alarms:
I try not to go out when I have a morning obligation, but it’s college so these things happen. My suggestion is to set as many alarms as possible so that you don’t miss your responsibilities.
3. Look put together:
I try to look nice because I’m convinced that if I look successful, I will trick myself into accomplishing more on a given day. Even the day after going out I put myself together in a confident way that doesn’t scream “I’m wearing the same make up as yesterday.”
4. Drink Coffee:
It’s hard to get through the day when you feel like you’re living a double life. For those moments of fatigue I like to pick myself a nice cup of coffee to pull me through a slump and get me back on track, checking things off my list.
5. Drink water:
The majority of my diet consists of water and coffee, but water is so important. I always have a bottle of water on me and I swear it makes me a super human-- but seriously, I never get hangovers and I also don’t get sick on the same level as my classmates when germs are spreading like wildfire around campus.