When hearing the two words “stress” and “college” together, it usually isn’t being said in a positive way. It’s no surprise for college students to be stressed out 24/7 -- it’s almost expected. You’re constantly juggling your normal, every day life occurrenceswith long nights, studying and preparing for tests.
However, I think it’s easy for people our age to forget how important mental health is, and how we should learn how to de-stress ourselves from the chaos that college throws into our lives. So here are my tips and tricks I've learned to keep myself sane through out the school year...
1. NAPS!!!!
Or get enough sleep in general...which is not usually possible. Fitting in a nap when you can could refresh you and help you focus on the things you need to get done.
2. Exercise.
Again.. You're probably thinking that I'm crazy, because you either don't have time, or just don't want to work out. However, working out is an amazing outlet to let off steam and stress. Whether its going to the gym for just 20 minutes or taking a yoga class with friends, exercising can reduce anxiety and get your mind off of things for a while.
3. Pick at least one day of the week to go out and have fun.
I feel like a lot of people believe there's a fine line between being the stereotypical college partier and the person who just stays in their dorm and studies. But there's not, and when you pick a day or more that you can plan to go out and have a good time it makes life a lot easier. Finish the things you need to get done -- or even if you didn't -- go out, have fun and forget about things for a while.
4. Make lists.
Even if you have to write down obvious things like do laundry or study for a test, make daily lists of things that you want to get done. There's studies that have been done that say that writing things down make you more likely to do them, and I find that to be true.
5. Remember you're not alone.
There's so many people that are in the same stressful situations that you're in right now. But being stressed or anxious is just a feeling in time, and it will pass. Never forget that you're doing a good job and the best that you can. You're learning to be an adult in a stressful world, but the point is that you're doing it. So be proud of yourself!