The dreaded day is finally here - the first day of school. I actually enjoy school but if you're not like me and the thought of lecture halls and the Breezeway make you cringe then just know we will get through this together! With that being said, so much of being successful in school has to do with organizational skills. There are some people that just have that innate ability to organize and stay organized, and then there are people like me who leave their clean clothes unfolded for days and days after they're out of the wash. I'm not sorry. Here are just some tips that keep my everyday life a little bit less of a mess!
1. Get a planner
Wow, okay this one is so important! My planner is a vital component to my life and everyday well-being. My planner was there for me when no one else was. No but honestly, having a planner that you actively check is such an easy way to keep you organized! As students, we spend so much time with a backpack on campus so throwing a planner in there isn't hard. Put in your due dates in the beginning of the semester after going over the syllabus! Over the weekend I also like to look through the next couple of weeks in my planner just in case I have any projects due in the next few weeks that I have to start/work on. Planners save lives so invest in a good one!
2. Sync your online calendars to your phone calendar
This one is especially important if you're in a Greek organization and have an online website where you keep all of your dates. The website my sorority uses actually has an app and with one click you can sync the app's calendar to your phone calendar. I use my phone calendar everyday because of work and when I sync my online calendar I'm able to see my whole social and work schedule in the same place!
3. Keep your room clean
Okay so I'm not gonna lie, this one is a little hypocritical of me since keeping my room clean is a feat for me. It's so hard for me to come home after a full day of classes and work and actively make my bed and put my clothes and crap away. But it really is essential to organization and I genuinely feel so much better when my room is clean! Coming home to an organized environment makes me want to do things and be a productive member of society. I think I'll take my own advice here and keep my room clean.
Okay so those are just a few of the things I try to keep up with everyday to make my life a little bit easier! I know how hard it is to stay organized, especially once you get towards the middle of the semester and the back to school excitement wears off, but it's so important! Us unorganized people gotta stick together. I hope these help!