So it’s that time again. We all have to go back to college and you know what that means: endless classes, piles of homework, and overwhelming exhaustion. Ok fine, maybe thats a little dramatic, but I would bet there at least is a little part of everyone (if not a large part) that would enjoy staying home and relaxing for another month. So let’s all try and make this semester a little more bearable by keeping on top of our work and staying organized for more than the first day. No this is not a joke. We can actually all do it if we band together and work hard. Too much?
Alright so step one: you need an agenda. This is absolutely necessary. I mean it. My planner holds my entire life and I am lost without it. How would I ever know when anything is do or when my next meeting is or even who I am supposed to meet for lunch that day. The world may never know. So just trust me and get one if you don’t have one. Beyond that, actually use it. A cute planner isn’t at all helpful if you don't open it on a regular basis. Come on, they aren’t just for show. Use them to keep track of everything from assignments to rehearsal schedules.
Next, make yourself a schedule. Whether you use an online program such as “Free College Schedule Maker” or hand-draw one (my personal preference), you will thank yourself. Especially in the beginning of the semester when you are still adjusting to your new class, you will love having it in your backpack or hanging on the wall to check whenever you forget when your next commitment is. Bonus: I like to set a screenshot of my class schedule from Capstone as the Home Screen on my phone so I can quickly check room numbers and class times while I’m on my way somewhere.
Another tactic that often helps me is color-coding. I know it sounds lame, but when you are running out the door and trying to find the right notebook and binder it seriously helps when they are the same color and you don't have to flip through them to figure out which is which (If you aren’t crazy about color-coding you could also try labeling them so you can just look at the front to check). This is something I myself struggle with. I tend to end up using one notebook for everything and by a couple weeks into the semester everything is already mixed up and I’ve lost notes.
Keep a pen/pencil everywhere. Most of you probably have one pencil case you just use for everything and that is great. I have the tendency to just grab a pencil and put it in a random pocket of my bag or jacket. This wasn’t a great tactic at first because I was often without a pencil or frantically searching through my bag trying to find one. Instead of subjecting yourself to this, a nice trick is to start out the year by putting a pen or pencil in each pocket of your backpack and one in each of your purse, that way even if you lose one in class, there is a good chance you will always have a backup.
Lastly, take some time after class to organize your notes and papers from that class. If you have time immediately following your classes or at the end of your day, take a few minutes to make sure all your notes and worksheets are in the right places. I don't often have a three hole punch on me during class or the patience to put all my papers in the correct sections of my binders during class. That’s why it is extremely helpful to take the time after class to make sure it is all put away. You will thank yourself in the long run.
Happy Studying!