The semester is almost over, and it's a constant struggle at this point to stay motivated enough to get through until summer. All there's left is finals, just one more week of work until we can go home. This is one of the toughest points in the semester, because you're probably drained from studying and the months spent at school. To help you get through this time, here are some tips I've put together that tend to help me get over the finals hump.
Realize that finals aren't the end of the world
I mean, they can sure feel that way, but life will go on after finals are over, no matter how bad or good you do. There will always be another chance to prove yourself if you have fallen a bit behind. Life always goes on, and you're more prepared than you think you are for your test, I promise.
Get some sleep
It may seem like a great idea to stay up all night studying so you're ready for the big test, but it is honestly going to drain you more than it will help you. Nothing demotivates me more than the tired and sluggish feeling I get if I haven't gotten enough sleep. Even if you don't think you've studied enough, take some time to at least get a few hours of rest. A clear and well-rested mind will do wonders for your concentration, so you can pick back up on the studying later.
Hang out with your friends
When everyone has different finals to study for and different things to worry about, it can be hard to be with your friends and make time for them before you leave them for the summer. You don't have to sacrifice doing well in classes in order to have fun with them—you can study for your different finals together and help each other out in any way you can. Make it a "party," where you're all miserable and dreading studying but hey, you're miserable with your friends!
Pet a dog
Go find a dog and pet it. Or really any animal, unless it's rabid or the owner tells you not to or something. Heck, go out and buy a stuffed animal and name it and keep it next to you at all times for motivation. Look in that stuffed dogs eyes and they will convince you that you can keep going through the week. Dogs and other animals want you to succeed.
Go outside
What's that? You've been studying for six straight days? You've forgotten what the sunlight feels like? You've evolved into some sort of underground creature due to the hours you've spent in the basement of Gardner-Webb's library? Going outside can do a lot for you, really. Just go remember what grass feels like. Take your notes outside and study; that way, if it's windy you can get some exercise by running after your papers.
Hopefully these tips help you manage until summer gets here.