We all know that college is full of distractions that always appear right when you need to be productive. From me to you, here are my top 6 tips on how to turn that procrastination into productivity!
​Find a quiet space
If you ever want to get anything done, you must, and I mean must, get away from all distractions. That includes your bedroom! Your bed is your first enemy when it comes to getting work done. I have found that even being in the same room as my bed prevents me from focusing on anything but laying down.
Some people go to a study room in their house. Others go to the library or a bookstore. It's completely up to you where your quiet place is as long as you find it.
Step away from that phone
You will not be productive if your phone is buzzing every second and social media is just a fingerprint away--or a password away, for my Android users. If you cannot practice self-control and stay off your phone, turn it off and put it in your bag.
Organization is key.
To-do lists are always a good start to getting things done. Planning out what needs to get done based on deadlines, priority, and amount of work, make for a smooth study time.
Time management is another tool that helps when you start to feel overwhelmed or just having a brain fart. Not everyone can work consistently for hours on end. Give yourself some time to breathe and for the juices to flow!
Use your break time to check your phone, watch a show, do some laundry, etc. Anything that can give you a nice little break from all the thinking. Though the key to breaks is, you have to end it and get back to the work!
This one might change depending on the person, but personally, music is my gateway to productivity. There have been times where I am on the verge of quitting when I realize, I have no music on.
Some might prefer to play soft classical music that will calm them and get their creative juices flowing. Others, such as myself, prefer to play Beyonce' and scream the lyrics at the top of our lungs. Either way, music is known to activate both the left and the right side of the brain, which leads to ultimate brain activity.
Nourishment is vital to proper brain activity. If you haven't eaten and you're wondering why you can't focus or feel tired, you most likely need to eat. So before you sit down and try to push through those stressful assignments, make yourself some brain food.
On the other hand, snacks can serve as comfort food. If you're feeling down about all the work you have waited last minute to complete, comfort food is to the rescue!