It won’t be easy but it will be worth it. Here are a few quick ideas to help rejuvenate and motivate moving forward:
1. So you bought that really awesome planner in January, but slowly you are becoming less and less organized. Use colorful pens to help motivate you to write in your agenda.
2. Create study groups or find a study buddy. This tip may not be for everyone but if you find yourself getting distracted easily, having a partner who equally wants to get something done will help. Additionally, it is proven that one of the best ways of learning something is to teach it to someone else. If a professor gives you a study guide, try splitting it up with others.
3. Reward the little things. If you have to do a ton of reading for the same boring class, buy a small bag of your favorite candies and every time you get through a page- eat one. Be careful not to eat the whole bag before opening your book.
4. Do not obsess over a single defeat and try to stay positive. Doing poorly on one assignment or exam won’t kill you, but dwelling on it and not focusing may kill your grade. Try to keep a positive mantra and potentially attempt to have those around adopt the same.
5. Look ahead at your syllabuses and get things done before spring break so you can truly enjoy your time off. Make sure to take to time to do fun things.
6. Skip the nap. All college students are tired but skipping the nap/ no making naptime a regular habit will help you stay on a sleep schedule thus keeping you focused in class the next day. Go to bed at a normal hour and set a routine, keep doing this and hopefully it will curve the urge to nap (I'm still working on this one myself).