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Traveling Is Good For The Soul, This Is What You Need To Know Before Your Next Trip

Just a few tips so you can make the most of your adventure.

Traveling Is Good For The Soul, This Is What You Need To Know Before Your Next Trip
Lily Cooper

I love traveling. Ever since I first got on a plane and went traveled to Disneyland, I had loved traveling. There is nothing like packing up your life, walking through that airport, and sitting on a plane up in the air.

Since I entered college, my travel bug has increased even more and I am constantly finding places to visit and people to see. I've traveled to Seattle multiple times and visited my friend in Oregon. But my favorite trip so far has been my trip to New York. We managed to get really inexpensive tickets and had a friend to stay in the city. Traveling has taught me a lot about myself and I have learned so many things.

The world is so big, and there are so many places to explore. I have barely even scratched the surface. I have plenty of empty journals just waiting to be filled up with adventure and a passport that needs some stamps.

Here is what you need to know before your next big trip:

1. Don't settle for an expensive flight.

Sign up for all the airline's newsletters and download all those apps because they do save you money. I love the Skyscanner, Hopper, and Expedia Apps. I always have my notifications on and will get alerts when the best prices are available.

Prices are also very inexpensive on a Tuesday and Thursday. That's when I usually try to buy my tickets and it usually saves me a significant amount of money. January is also a great month to buy tickets because it's right after Christmas and usually nobody is flying around that time.

You also want to search for flights in private mode. When you search for flights and go back and forth between websites, it can track what you are searching for and offer higher and higher prices. When in private mode, you can search for flights without the worry of prices rising.

[To go into private mode just open up your browser and click Ctrl+Shift+P at the same time.]

2. Pack smart

I'm the worst at packing. I always over pack and have to sit on my suitcase just to be able to close it. From traveling, I have slowly been able to adjust to packing light – but still look cute.

One tip is to make sure you fold them in the best way possible. Roll up your t-shirts, dresses, jeans, etc. For your underwear and socks, take a small pouch and pack them in flat. Don't stuff the pouch with items or else it will be too bulky. When you pack jackets, layer skirts or dresses on top with the pouch in the center. After, just tuck into your suitcase.

For shoes, wear your heaviest pair on the plane, and stuff shoes with socks as well.

Doing this helps utilize space and gives you extra room for more clothes, souvenirs, and makeup!

3. Splurge on food and activities

Don't be afraid to spend money! You are on an adventure! Buy that cup of coffee, go out every night, and go to that attraction. I try to save up my money ahead of time and set it aside specifically for the trip.

I don't go crazy with my money, I won't buy every single expensive thing. But when I am in New York, I am going to see a Broadway show and I will have a large slice of overpriced cheesecake afterward. That's the whole fun part about traveling, experiencing new things and having fun.

4. Act like a local

Ask around or research some local favorites! It's fun to get a locals point of view as well as a tourist's point of view. When I visited New York, I loved going through the small markets and walking through the pretty neighborhoods. It gives you a neat perspective on the place and helps you make the most of your trip.

5. Memories > photos

I love taking photos when I travel (or really wherever I go), and it is a great way to look back on memories of the trip. However, I find that I remember the best memories when I don't have the camera in front of my face.

Feel free to take pictures, but remember to just enjoy the experience. You can write about it afterward in your travel journal and reminisce about it on your flight home.

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