It didn't really dawn on me that I was going to be a *gulp* Junior until I was sitting in the library, typing an email to an advisor and introducing myself. My name is Colleen Kozacheck and I am a junior-
And just like that BAM, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm sure the people sitting near me in the library were wondering I suddenly looked very pale. I was sure I would lose my lunch.
I mean honestly, how am I already a junior? How did that happen? When did that happen?
I'm sure my mom feels the exact same way.
So there I was, having a mental breakdown about my age and unsure what exactly this year would entail.
However, after getting coffee with a friend, I realized what I wanted my year to entail: confidence, class, honesty, and most importantly badassery.
I sat across my very wise, very well-put together friend who seemed to have all the answers while I literally rolled out of bed in Nike shorts with my hair in a messy bun. Her advice to me are the words and ways I want to keep in mind throughout the course of my third year in college (honestly, the thought still makes me sick). And I compiled it in a list for easy access.
1. Block.
My friend literally said to me, "It's about creating an indestructible bubble of happiness. You control who can and cannot enter." So, remove the girl that always makes you roll your eyes from your timeline and block that jerk's number. Don't let them in your bubble of happiness.
2. Be honest.
Tell that guy how you really feel about it, explain to your best friend why you're upset with her. There is literally no point in squashing (or even attempting to) how you feel. You're entitled to your own emotions as long as you can properly communicate them.
3. Communication.
"You're almost 21 years old, there is one thing you should be able to do: communicate. And you should be able to do so effectively."
4. Move on.
When things don't go your way or someone doesn't return your same feelings, move on. There is no reason to dwell in the negativity. Life keeps moving. So should you.
5. Let go.
There are some things you cannot control. Let go.
6. Someone else's opinion of you doesn't change yours.
No matter what someone else thinks of you, it does not make you less than who you are. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that does not affect you. What matters is what you think of yourself.
7, Confidence.
Self-consciousness isn't a good trait. Learn to accept your strengths and admirable qualities, and learn to love yourself because of your "flaws" and limitations.
8. The perfect routine.
The most successful people are the ones who take care of themselves. Eat right, exercise regularly, and keep working towards your goals.
9. A kickass playlist.
It's always easier to get things done with a kickass playlist.
I hope by taking this list into consideration you have a fantastic year. Work hard, play harder.