It's easy to dread the new semester if you remember how stressful the previous ones have been. But it's just as easy to have a much better semester if you fix your school habits. Here are some tips to keep in mind when starting the new semester:
1. Put your phone away and keep it on silent
This is the most important tip I can give because it changed the way I study. I used to get distracted so easily by the notifications on my phone; I would drop whatever I was reading or writing to check them. I find myself so much more productive when I silence my phone and put it on my bed on the other side of the room.
2. Use an agenda and a calendar
Carry around a little agenda so you can make note of important things when you're in class. Also, add important dates to the calendar on your phone or laptop. You can also use a weekly planner to place on your wall so you can keep track of your day-to-day tasks.
3. Utilize office hours
Going to office hours gives you the opportunity to ask your professor any questions you weren't able to ask in class. Showing up is also a good way to show that you're invested in the class.
4. You have an email account for a reason
A quick email to your professor can clear up any confusion you have about class materials or assignments. It's also smart to check your email frequently so you don't miss any urgent information.
5. Read ahead
It's always a good idea to read a few chapters ahead of what your syllabus assigned. You never know how your schedule may change, so getting ahead can save you from falling behind and cramming.
6. Never procrastinate
This is easier said than done, but procrastinating is such a toxic habit and ultimately hurts you in the long run. Do whatever you can to stay on top of your assignments and not to put off any work.
7. Highlight and take margin notes
Mark and take note of important sections and lines within textbooks, novels, and notebooks you may need to refer back to later; this will save you a lot of time and stress when exams and assignments come around.
8. Take it to the library or a study lounge
Working in your room can be distracting, so it might be helpful to study in the library because of the focused, quiet environment.
9. Study music
Spotify and YouTube have great playlists for background music to listen to while working.
10. Take breaks
After I work for an hour straight, I always reward myself with a ten-minute break by checking my phone or re-watching my favorite scenes from Friends; this motivates me to get my work done without over-working myself.
11. Don’t just memorize material
When you memorize, you're not really learning the material. As soon as you finish an exam, all the information stays in the exam room. If you truly comprehend the material, you'll be able to show how much you understand it, not only on the exam but after you receive your final grade, as well.
12. Use Quizlet (flashcards) for the times you have to memorize
For some classes, such as a foreign language, you have to memorize things (like vocabulary and rules for verb conjugation). Quizlet lets you make online flashcards that you can share with the rest of your class. It also makes games and tests so you can test your knowledge. But, written flashcards do the job, too.
13. Write out vocabulary words
When it comes to memorizing the spelling of words for a foreign language class, there's nothing that I find more helpful than writing out the words by hand until I'm able to correctly spell all of the words with ease.
14. The power of Google Drive
Working on a study guide with others is a good way to prepare for an exam, and Google Drive allows you to do this by sharing documents with others so everyone can collaborate simultaneously.
15. TLC for your body and mind
You can't work your best without a sufficient amount of shut-eye, so it's important to make sure you're sleeping adequately. It's also a good idea to make time for the gym, which relieves stress and keeps your body strong. Eating well makes your body feel a whole lot better, too.
16. Don’t forget to have some fun!
Cut out a decent amount of time for your enjoyment, whether it's alone time, FaceTiming your family (and pets, of course) or hanging out with friends. Plus, you can always say 'yes' to going out with friends if you focus and get your work done before it's time to party.
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