1.Avoid procrastination
Use your time wisely and effectively. Instead of studying all of the information you need to know in one sitting, try to study in chunks for shorter periods of time. This is found to be more efficient. Studying a week in advance may not seem feasible due to the amount of classes you have to study for but have faith that you can do it and remain positive.
2.Attend Office Hours
Your professors put their office hours on the syllabus for a reason! They absolutely love a student that visibly cares about their grade. If a professor sees you taking the initiative to come see them they will be more likely to bump your borderline grade up to that next letter grade. Although this is not a sure thing it does not hurt to make an attempt. Do not count on office hours to save your grade.
3.Take breaks
Studying non-stop is not healthy and will just add more unnecessary stress. Breaks need to be effective and not useless. 30 minutes to an hour breaks seem reasonable. You need to give your mind a break from the tedious review of things you have learned throughout the entire semester. Statistics prove that after a certain amount of time of constant studying you stop retaining information anyways. So pulling all-nighters may help some, they may also be counterproductive.
4.Get Sleep
Piggybacking off of step number three, it is pivotal that you get rest in preparation for your finals. Avoid abusing caffeine and having unnecessary sleepless nights. Being well rested will help you retain information for your exams.
5.Stay Away from Stress
Stress is your worst enemy. If you stress during finals you will hurt your grade. At the end of the day it is just an exam. It does not define you as a person and does not mean you will be any less successful if you do not do well. All the aforementioned steps will help you stay away from stress and prepare you the best for finals week! Good luck on your exams!